You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 1297: Epilogue (37)

Because, this is his ideal, this is his team.

On the one hand, it is reality, on the other hand, it is a dream. In pain, he can not play well at all ...

In the last wave of teamfights, he did not intentionally, he just thought of the misery of Xiaomei, so he was deliberate and misplaced ...

But now, looking at the angry eyes of everyone, and the disappointment of the people below him, he suddenly felt that he was simply abominable.

He bit his lip, stood up, and bowed his head, "How lonely the ancestors of bones and invincible are, replace them."

He doesn't deserve to be in this club.

Because his heart for e-sports is already impure.

Qiao Lian stared at him and wanted to say something, but just after opening his mouth, he heard that Shen Liangchuan lowered his voice and said, "Let's lose a game, so nothing happens?"

Satire, let his second grandfather take a look, and looked up.

Shen Liangchuan stared at the computer screen. "In this round, your mistakes are really big. Give you another chance, dare you come up with your momentum as an assistant?"

His second grandfather's eyes were red, "Mr. Shen, you ..."

"In the club, I'm just the captain, not Mr. Shen."

Shen Liangchuan stood up, "Go for it, and prepare for the next game!"

His second grandfather clenched his fists, nodded as if inspired by something.

How could he be so hesitant to trust his teammates so much? !!


These people, during the intermission, just went to the bathroom.

Five people went backstage together.

As soon as he walked into the background, he looked at the King of the SX team and led his team. He was standing there, and it looked like he was waiting for them.

Qiao Lian froze slightly and turned to glance at Shen Liangchuan, and saw that he frowned. If nothing happened, he stepped forward without any notice.

King smiled, still smirking, looking at a harmless look.

And when his second grandfather saw king, his eyes and pupils suddenly shrank, and his footsteps swelled.

King's dealings with him were all private, and he didn't get them on the bright side. He looked at Shen Liangchuan nervously, and then looked at Qiao Lian. Finally, his eyes fell on Su Penghao and his uncle.

Su Penghao and his uncle are both sandy characters.

If they know why they lost in the first game, then they will definitely laugh at him, become estranged from him, and drift away.

And now king, I'm afraid that's the idea!

He followed the players nervously, hoping that King would not say anything.

As long as he finishes these two games, as long as he wins this game, after returning to the club, he will confess to them that it is life or death and will listen to their disposal.

But not now, this is not the moment when they need no trust or mutual trust ...

His second grandfather clenched his fists and followed the people in the team, step by step forward.

When he finally walked in front of King, King never spoke, and his second grandfather breathed a sigh of relief.

But just as they walked across from them, King suddenly said, "Hello."

After stiff Chinese, he smiled, "Shen, how many words?"

Shen Liangchuan and Qiao Lian paced each other.

Immediately, Shen Liangchuan turned back, "I don't seem to have anything to say with you."

Translation in the past, King was immediately anxious, his lips caught his lips, suddenly stretched out his fingers, pointed at his second grandfather, and murmured a bunch of Korean!

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