You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 1365: Read Yao a

Shi Nianya coughed. "I, I just said casually, drive back to the hotel."

Mo Xicheng heard this and shook his head.

It was ten o'clock in the evening when I drove out of the underground parking lot.

Two people were walking into the hotel, and Shi Nianyao's cell phone suddenly rang.

She gave a slight glance, glanced down, and then pressed the mute button.

Mosey couldn't help turning her head and glanced at her, "Who's calling makes you so close to the enemy?"

Shi Nianyao: "... my brother's."

Mo Xicheng: "Don't you go home tonight without telling your family?"

Shi Nianyao bowed his head in guilty conscience, "My parents have gone abroad, and there is no one at home, so I have no report."

Mo Xicheng: ...

Shi Nianyao couldn't help sighing, "It must be Su Penghao's big mouth, otherwise how would my brother know that I'm not at home?"

Mo Xicheng heard this and raised an eyebrow. "Su Penghao?"

Shi Nianyao nodded, "Yeah, Su Penghao and his family live next to my house. When he was okay, he came to visit almost every day! I went to Shanghai for some competition some time ago, so I was not there. During this time, I heard their club Take a vacation, so just sit back! "

Shi Nian Yao had a grudge on his face, looked at the phone, and bit his lip.

Mo Xicheng: "Answer, otherwise your brother will worry about you."

When Shi Nianyao heard this, he had to answer the call.

As soon as the phone was connected, Shi Ying's voice came across from the opposite side. It was simple and straightforward, "Where? Why not go home?"

Shi Nianyao: "... with friends outside ~ what's wrong? Brother, do you have anything to do with me?"

"Girl, don't go home in the middle of the night and ask me what happened? Wherever you are, now, immediately, immediately, go back to me."

Shi Nianyao: "... Brother, I'm not a kid anymore, you don't care about me. I'm with friends. You care about me like this, I'm sorry!"

When the words fell, Shi Ye slowly said, "Are you with your boyfriend?"

Shi Nianyao: "..."

Shi Nianyao turned to look at Mo Xicheng and coughed. "Well, brother, you should go to have a second child with your sister-in-law, leave me alone ... I'm hung up!"

After speaking, I hung up the phone decisively.

Then, also very wise shutdown!

Mo Xicheng: ...

Seeing Shi Nianyao's guilty conscience, he couldn't help but feel funny.

But in his heart, he felt a sense of guilt.

He can't give Nian Yao a name now ... or even let Nian Yao carry his family members with him ...

He lowered his head, and then said, "Read Yao, or should I take you home?"

"Ah?" Shi Nian Yao wondered and turned to look at Mo Xicheng.

Suddenly a grievance arose in my heart.

Is it because Mo Xicheng feels that he is an unselfish girl with his parents on his back?

She pursed her mouth and lowered her head, "Oh".

Moxie glanced at her before turning the car heading and heading towards her house.

Shi Nianyao turned angrily and looked out the window, as if he had blocked a piece of cotton in his heart.

Looking at her, Moxi Cheng sighed, "Read Yao, I'm sorry ..."

Read Yao Yiyi.

Mo Xicheng said slowly, "Let's go to the hotel."

As soon as Shi Nianyao's eyes lighted, he heard his deep voice:

"Because, I can't help it tonight, let you go."

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