You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 1412: Read Yao a

Li Shu was planning to walk out, and turned around to look at Shi Nianyao.

Shi Nian Yaoqi's whole body was shaking.

She has never seen such a bully!

She took a step forward, and just about to speak, Yao Lili immediately stopped, "Miss Shi, I beg you! Our family is already chaotic! Can you just don't make a mess! Their brothers have become enemies because of you. What else do you want? "

As soon as Yao Lili said this, Li Shu also frowned, revealing a restless expression.

She stared at Shi Nianyao and couldn't help but say, "Yao Yao, since you have chosen to be with Mo Xicheng, then you should not have any more involvement with Mo Zhi, you ..."

Before I finished speaking, I saw Shi Nian Yao Leng smiled, "Oh, it's ridiculous! What the **** is going on, I'm afraid you haven't figured it out yet!"

She took a step forward and raised her chin slightly!

She stared at Mo Hai, glanced over Yao Lili again, looked at her panic, smiled ironically, and finally fell on Li Shu's body.

I don't know why, just because of those things just now, she has a feeling.

Mo Xicheng's original relationship with Li Shu doesn't seem to be so bad ...

Moreover, when Li Shu said, "You are too disappointing me", she obviously felt a sadness on Mo Xicheng.

Therefore, at this moment, she stared at Li Shu.

Mo Hai took a step forward. "Miss Shi, this is our family thing. It doesn't seem like you ..."

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted directly by Shi Nianyao!

She slowly said one word at a time: "Intent *** Miss Shijia, I don't know the charge, you Mo family can't bear it!"

In a word, the room was quiet!

Mo Hai responded first, and he stared at Shi Nianyao, "You, what are you talking about? You can't make up an excuse for Mo Xicheng, you ..."

Shi Nian Yao chuckled, and pulled out his own medical report backhand. The drug in the blood had not disappeared. She threw it on the ground in front of Mo Hai. "I'm bullshit? Then let's take a look at this report! Look at me in the end Is there any nonsense! "

When she said that, she looked at Li Shu again, "This is Yao Lili. I was sick and asked me to go to the hospital to see her. Then I got a drug in my water and then let your son come ... Thanks to Mo Xicheng in time Arrived, otherwise ... At this moment, you think you have a chance to stand here and talk to us ?! "

The whole ward was silent.

Mo Hai's mouth opened, and suddenly he felt scared for a while.

If the Shi family really comes to hold accountable, the consequences will be disastrous!

Li Shu, staring at Shi Nianyao in disbelief, couldn't believe it. The stubbornness in her mouth turned out to be such a person.

My son shouldn't be so clever, but how can he have no bottom line? !!

She looked at Shi Nianyao stupidly, and said after half a while, "This ... is it all true?"

Shi Nian Yao sneered, "What I said was one word at a time, and there was absolutely no half word! And what exactly did I experience today, what happened in the hospital, and how did I come to the hospital? I think if you want to check , I can definitely check it clearly! "

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