You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 1421: Read Yao a

In a word, Mo Hai was suddenly shocked. He stared at Li Shu stupidly, "You, what are you talking about?"

Did he hear it wrong?

He thought that what Li Shu wanted to say was to let Mo Hai go to the court, dissolve any relationship with Mo Xicheng, and drive Yao Lili and Mo Xicheng out of Mo's house ...

But he never expected that this would be the case.

Li Shu just said, must be wrong?

Li Shu looked down and smiled, "Mo Hai, what does Mo Zhi look like now, don't you know?"

Not clear?

How could it be unclear!

No one knows Mo Zhi's personal ability better than Mo Hai!

When he was a child, every time he wanted to discipline Mochi, Mochi always cried and yelled to find his mother and to sue him.

At that time, Mo Hai always felt sad and was afraid that every time Li Shu came home, after hearing these words, he was angry and angry, so he had a lot to Mo Hai.

Until a long time later, the teacher told him that Mo Zhi's grades could not keep up, Mo Zhi could not make progress, and Mo Zhi did not want to learn ...

He discovered that he had delayed the child.

But he was more afraid of Li Shu's anger, so that lie would come down day after day, year after year.

He always felt that Morch would be his son even if he wasn't fighting anymore. In the future, he would invite Morch to a few masters in management companies, and Morch just had to sit and enjoy it.

He can also make Morch have a child, and he will train his grandson ...

Therefore, he can say to Morph that he has already given up.

However, even so, he never thought about choosing Mo Xicheng.

As soon as his thoughts fell, Li Shu said, "Give the company to Mo Xicheng, and let Mo Zhi pull away completely. In the future, Mo Xi Cheng will run the company well, and he will definitely not lose Mo Zhi's share. But if you continue to hand over the company to Mo Zhi, Mo Zhi always doubts Mo Xicheng, and if he does more things, he will force Mo Xicheng not to oppose it, and he will do it ... Now, that's it. So leave the company to Moses Cheng. "

She slowly said here and turned to look elsewhere. "As for the perseverance, I will let the Li family take care of him, at least to ensure that he is carefree in his life ... If he wants to learn anything now, he will also It ’s too late to learn. I ’m really capable. I can take everything back ... I ca n’t learn well. The Mo family is useless in his hands. ”

After Li Shu said these words, his eyes were red.

She knew that her words would deprive her own son of inheritance.

After Mo Xicheng inherited the company, even if Mo Zhicheng is the first heir, he will also be the one who lives under Mo Xicheng.

Mo Xicheng is kind and good ...

However, Mo Zhicheng bullied Mo Xicheng from an early age. Even if Mo Xicheng was a saint, he would not really have no feelings for him.

However, she really is, there is no way ...

I saw the difference between Mo Xicheng and Mo Zhi with my own eyes, and finally realized the shortcomings and gaps of Mo Zhi through Shi Nianyao. At this moment, she finally faced the reality.

Only by letting Mo Xicheng inherit the family business and forcing Mo Zhi to withdraw can we maintain the final balance between Mo Xi Cheng and Mo Zhi.

Mo Hai stared at Li Shu and asked after a while, "You really, decided?"

For him, it was all his son.

He never cared, just Li Shu.

PS: I came to the beauty with a thousand miles, and faced her with her ~~ She dragged me to chat or play games, otherwise she would have no ties with me, so let ’s do it today ~~

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