You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 1429: He is my son ... (2)

She raised her baby, brocade, and food, but what about Mo Xicheng?

She thought of seeing Mo Xicheng as a child, hiding on the ground, shivering.

Thinking of returning home from work many times, I saw a three-year-old little child carrying a basin, washing clothes, and hearing the sound of her car, and ran to the fence in the middle of the two small yards. Staring at myself ...

And she saw it, but pretended not to see it ...

Even once ...

She saw that she had brought Morch home with a toy sports car, and Mo Xi Cheng was on the side of the fence, with those clear, dark eyes, and stared hard at Morge's sports car.

She realized that Mo Xicheng had no toys.

But she chose to ignore.

Then, Morge's sports car was lost.

He murmured that Moses had stolen his toy.

At the time, Yao Lili was crying, saying that Mo Xicheng did not have toys, so he would steal stolen toys.

Later, Mo Xicheng carefully, holding the sports car, ran over and handed it to Mo Zhi.

Then Mo Zhi held out his hand and pushed him to the ground.

Mo Xicheng looked at Mo Zhi blankly, and then he heard Mo Zhi cursing at him: "Wild seed, thief!"

Mo Xicheng shook his head in a hurry. "I'm not a thief, I'm not a thief ... I got this toy car!"

Mo Zhi refused to admit it, and scolded him.

Later, Yao Lili said nothing and slapped him on the butt.

Moshi Cheng bit her lip and just didn't cry.

At that time, Li Shu also felt that the child was too stubborn and very unpleasant.

Later, she accidentally saw the video at home and discovered the truth of the matter.

It was Moroch, who took the toy car to the outside garden to play, and then left the car there when he walked, and Mo Xicheng saw it, and quietly stayed in, holding the toy car, carefully cleaning it, Looking down carefully, staring earnestly, playing on the ground for a while, then picked it up, and carefully wiped the car.

He took the car and stood there, raising his head from time to time to look at Mo Zhi in the distance, as if waiting for him to get back to get the car.

Holding the toy car, he sat in the grass and fell asleep.

When I woke up again, I ran out holding the toy car.

The moment he gave the car to Mo Zhi, he was actually smiling and relieved.

But later ...

It was also from that time that Li Shu suddenly had a special feeling for Mo Xicheng.

She suddenly discovered that she didn't hate him anymore and hated him.

But that time, after thinking for a long time, she still didn't wash him.

Those past events, one scene at a time, swept in front of the eyes, making Li Shu just feel like he was poking a dagger, and it hurts.

Her tears are shed ...

The child at the time, the child who had been wronged and beaten, was her ... her son.

Li Shu only felt that he could not breathe because he was distressed, and the wet eyes could not see the situation in front of him, and the whole person stood in place.

She clenched her fists tightly, anxiously rushing into the ward and choking Yao Lili to death!

Just then, a little nurse outside the door suddenly passed by, and when she saw Li Shu, she said, "Madam, what's wrong with you?"

In a word, Li Shu was awakened suddenly, and two people in the ward suddenly realized that there was someone outside the door.

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