You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 1434: He is my son ... (7)

At that time, Li Shu was impossible to say without touching.

A rich man who hasn't even been in the kitchen since he was small, he can do this for her.

At this moment, Li Shu looked at the food on the table, and his heart softened.

It was her stubbornness, her resistance to that incident, and her escape from life over the years, so that their lives had such a big problem that even the children could be deceived.

If she was able to forgive Mo Hai then, Mo Zhi would not be like this now, and she would not be so short at home and care less about Mo Xicheng.

Everything seems to be because of her.

Li Shu's eyes became red again.

Seeing her look, Mo Hai was nervous. "Li Shu, are you okay?"

Li Shu bit his lip and shook his head.

She reached the dining table and sat down slowly.

Mo Hai was surprised when she saw her.

You should know that for so many years, Li Shu has stopped eating with him at a dining table.

And now sitting opposite him, does it mean that Li Shu was moved by himself?

He rubbed his hands in a hurry, walked nervously, and then sat across from Li Shu, picking vegetables for her, "You eat this."

Li Shu bowed his head and took a bite.

Because her mood was so bad, she could n’t eat after taking two bites. She put down her chopsticks and raised her head. As soon as she looked up, she saw Mo Hai staring anxiously at her.

Li Shu's heart suddenly softened.

She looked at Mo Hai and sighed softly after a while. "Mo Hai, for so many years, you can tell me something."

Mo Hai suddenly nodded like a primary school student who did the wrong thing, making Li Shu's heart sour. He said, "You ask, what you ask, I will tell you."

When Li Shu heard this, her eyes were sour again, and she said, "Did you have any feelings for Yao Lili then?"

When Mo Hai heard this, he shook his head immediately. "No, I really don't have any. I was just drunk. I was plugged in by someone, and then she had two copies similar to you. I just, I did n’t control it. Stay ... I didn't expect that she would become pregnant one night, or didn't tell me after pregnancy, and finally got a big belly and came to you ... Li Shu, I swear, I know that before I was twenty, too It ’s been romantic, and it ’s broken your heart. But since I promised you, I ’ll be with you for the rest of my life, and now, in my heart, only you ... ”

Li Shu looked at his anxious explanation, and suddenly he was relieved.

Things have passed for so many years, in fact, what does she care about?

She lowered her head, trying to tell Mo Hai, but thought, wait three days.

Three days later, the inspection results came out. If she really did what she wanted, then she could tell Mo Hai.

Now, without any evidence, she said it. According to Mo Hai's personality, she might still make trouble.

Thinking of this, Li Shu bowed his head, and when he reached his mouth, he still didn't say it.

time flies.

Three days passed in a flash.

Early in the morning, Li Shu went to the supervision agency and got the inspection results smoothly.

When the result was opened, Li Shu's tears shed again.

PS: Ask for a monthly ticket, see you at night ~

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