You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 1437: He is my son ... (10)

Mo Xicheng took a moment's notice, and then reported his address after half a ring. "Then come on."

After hanging up the phone, Li Shu drove and went to Mo Xicheng's residence.

It's Beijing's office time and the traffic is very heavy on the road.

There seemed to be a car accident ahead, so the car stood almost motionless.

Li Shubai was bored and lazy, turned his head, and suddenly saw a pair of mother and son on the street.

The son was crying to buy a toy, but the mother just didn't buy it.

Between the two, the son sat on the ground with his buttocks, kicked his legs, and shouted at his mother, "Mom, I don't love you anymore! Mom, I hate you the most!"

Li Shu saw this situation, and people were suddenly stunned.

She stared at the crying little boy in front of her, and suddenly thought of Mo Xicheng as a child ...

She thought of telling Mo Xicheng again and again, let him give everything to Morse, and thought of telling him more often that he did not belong to the Mo family, and the entire Mo family was Mor. of.

Therefore, the relationship between her and Mo Xicheng has always been very distant.

Mo Xicheng must be disgusted with her ...

He hated her so much, just like this son, so even if she went to Mo Xicheng with a DNA verification sheet, would Mo Xicheng recognize himself as a mother?

Li Shu stopped for a moment.

While in a daze, the car whistle rang out in the back, letting her take a stun, and hurried back, only to discover that the car in front had gone, and her car was still parked in the middle of the road.

She hurriedly started the car and went forward again.

But at the same time, deep in my heart, there was a kind of panic.

Suddenly she felt timid near home.

What if Mo Xicheng doesn't recognize her?

What if Mo Xicheng hates her?

Thinking of what she had done before, she felt ashamed of Mo Xicheng and couldn't face him at all.

Thinking of this, Li Shu suddenly felt down.

She stretched her chin and fixedly looked forward.

After a while, she took a deep breath and turned the car on another road ahead.

She sat in the driver's seat, staring blankly forward, wondering what to do for a while.

Just then, the phone rang.

She glanced down and found her sister, Li Hua.

Li Shu paused for a moment, and when he answered, he heard Li Hua's voice, "Where are you? Would you like to make a beauty together?"

Li Shu, anxious, heard this and said, "Okay."

After hanging up the phone, she drove to the beauty salon where Li Hua was.

Li Hua is three years older than Li Shu. She is a gentle woman. She knows her sister's life for so many years. Every time she tries to persuade her to open a little, but Li Shu always refuses to listen.

This time, when she saw Li Shu coming, she came over with a smile, and just when she wanted to say something, Li Shu suddenly said: "Sister, my life, made a big joke."

Li painted a moment, "What's wrong?"

Li Shu said slowly: "Mo Xicheng ... is my biological son, Mo Zhi, Yao Lili's son."

In a word, Li Hua was stunned.

She stared at Li Shu in disbelief. "What did you say?"

Li Shu took a deep breath. "I said, Mo Xicheng is my biological son. This is a DNA verification form."

After that, she handed the results to Li Hua.

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