You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 1458: He is my son ... (31)

Mo Hai was shocked and took a step back. "Okay, I'm leaving. Don't be angry, Li Shu, as long as you are not angry, let me do anything."

After hearing this, Li Shu only felt funny.

She said suddenly: "If I let you hand over the company to Moses Cheng, would you agree?"

In a word, he stopped Mo Hai and stared at Li Shu in an unbelievable manner. After half a ring, he reluctantly said, "Li Shu, things have not reached such a serious level at all. Give him 3% Ten, I feel distressed and cheap him! You are ... testing me? Li Shu, rest assured, I have no feelings for Mo Xicheng. For me, that child is a symbol of shame, but Mo Perseverance is different. I can't hand over the company to Moses Cheng! "

Even if Mo Xicheng is my son, can't he?

This sentence came to Li Shu's mouth, but she still swallowed it. She could only point outside, and said disappointedly, "Go out."


Mo Hai was lying on the bed.

Over the years, even though he has been used to falling asleep for a long time, today he still has insomnia.

He thought of Li Shu's reaction today, and couldn't help a little bit of pain in his heart.

When will Li Shu be able to forgive him?

He thought of it, and was in bed, unable to sleep over and over.

Picking up the mobile phone and glancing at it, it was already 11.50. He would have to get up early tomorrow morning for a meeting, but he couldn't sleep anymore and just sat up.

At night, because of the arrival of Yao Lili, he couldn't eat well, so at this moment, he felt a little hungry, so he just opened the door of the room door and planned to go downstairs to find something to eat.

He opened the door of the room and was about to go out, but suddenly realized something, turned his head, just saw a figure, entered Yao Lili's room.

Mo Hai's eyes flashed instantly.

Although the figure just flashed quickly, but still can see at a glance, it was a man.

Yao Lili lived in them, even openly looking for a private meeting with a man, Mo Hai's eyes narrowed suddenly.

Li Shu's indifference towards him let him know that it must be because of Yao Lili's problem.

And now ... if he caught Yao Lili's evidence in person, would he be able to justify Yao Lili away?

Thinking of this, Mo Haili's eyes lit up immediately. He stepped forward and came to the front of Yao Lili's room. He stared at the door and sneered.

In the room.

Yao Lili dragged Mo Zhi who ran in the middle of the night, her eyes were red.

Mo Zhi was wearing pajamas, rubbing his eyes, and looking at it, he knew he was sleepy. He looked at Yao Lili perfunctoryly. "Mom, why do you call me here in the middle of the night? Is there anything important? If not, I Going back to bed. "

Yao Lili grabbed his arm immediately. "You child, Mom didn't see you today, it's convenient to see you now, you see you ..."

Morchi was a little impatient. "Then what are you calling me to do? Oh, by the way, how did you live in Mo's house?"

Yao Lili said, "Li Shu is definitely going to pass me, please Mo Xicheng, and then let you go with Shi Nianyao."

Mo Zhi said, "Isn't Shi Nianyao passed long ago? Mo Xicheng got 30% of the company's shares. What else do you want?"

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