You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 1460: He is my son ... (33)

Mo Zhi wanted to stand up when people rushed in.

But Yao Lili was startled. He moved too much and pressed his waist, which caused him to rush directly onto the bed, and then heard the words of Mo Hai, scared him completely afraid to move!

He was lying on the bed, and the whole man was stunned.

Mo Hai came to arrest?

Think again about his current movements and postures, as well as Yao Lili's appearance. He can hardly speak!

Because others don't know his relationship with Yao Lili!

And how would he explain what he is like now?

He and his dad's primary three are unclear ...

Passed out, lost his face!

Mo Hai was holding his arm while he was thinking. He immediately choked and wanted to struggle, but Mo Hai's strength was so great that he couldn't tolerate his struggle.

Before he could talk, he was dragged out by Mo Hai and fell to the ground!

Everyone was seeing who was Yao Lili **, at this moment when they saw Mo Zhi, they were all startled, eyes widened, and stared at him in disbelief.

Mo Hai was so confused that he could hardly speak.

He looked at Mo Zhi in shock, then glanced at Yao Lili. Recently, he always felt something weird and seemed to get the answer all at once.

No wonder Yao Lili always has an inexplicable attention to Morpheus.

Even from a young age, between Mo Xicheng and Mo Zhi, as long as there is a dispute between two people, Yao Lili will be biased towards Mo Zhi. It turns out that when they didn't notice, the two people ...

Mo Hai has never liked Yao Lili. This woman is a trouble for him in this life.

So at this moment, he didn't feel like wearing a green hat, but just felt that Yao Lili dared to hook up with his son!

Suddenly his anger rose, he turned his head and grabbed Yao Lili's clothes, then rounded his arms and hit her in the face!

The applause "snapped" through the room.

Yao Lili was beaten by the whole person, then looked back at Mo Zhi and explained in a hurry: "No, it's not what you think, I, I and Mo Zhi, the two of us ..."

Before he finished speaking, he heard Mo Hai roaring, "Deeper in the middle of the night, you and his two are in bed, you tell me, it's not what I imagined, what does it look like?"

After yelling at this sentence, he lowered his head again, and kicked it on Morchi's ass.

In the end he was his beloved son, and his strength was much lower.

It's completely different from playing Yao Lili.

After kicking, Mo Zhi also rubbed his buttocks, "You scumbag, how many women haven't seen it before, you will be tempted by an old woman!"

Then he turned back and pointed at Yao Lili and scolded, "I really want to know, what I can't get here, I want to come back from my son? I tell you, he is young, you are so old, he is not sensible, What are you doing? "

"What a bitch! When you seduced me, I knew you weren't a good woman, but yes, how could a good woman seduce someone. If it weren't for the fact that you broke Mo Xicheng, I I will never keep you! I never thought you would be so unpopular! Now my son is also hooked up! "

"And you, Mo Zhi! You don't even want to abandon her dirty!"

PS: Haha, did you not think of this plot? The stupid writer remembered the wrong day again, today is the 29th, and there are two days to end this month.

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