You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 1481: He is my son ... (54)

After Li Shu and Si Jingyu separated, they turned red and returned to Mo's house.

As soon as he entered the door of Mo's house, he saw that Mo Hai and Mo Zhi hurriedly greeted him.

When they saw Li Shu's red and swollen eyes, Mo Hai immediately became angry. "She embarrassed you? Isn't she the best friend? Is there anything I can't come to me, but I have to ask you to go out alone ?! Our Mo family Even if she goes bankrupt, she won't bow her head! "

Li Shu, listening to the words of maintenance, looked up and glanced at Mo Hai.

The matter of the child made her mentality very explosive. At this moment, when I saw Mo Hai, watching him also had a few strands of white hair, I suddenly felt that in fact, I had been tangled for the first half of my life, and had always insisted on things. Useless things.

She smiled bitterly and shook her head.

Both Mo Hai and Mo Zhi knew that she was going to see Si Jingyu today. Mo Zhisheng was afraid that Shi's family would retaliate against him, so he waited at home for a day.

At this point, seeing Mo Hai finish this sentence, he immediately asked, "Mom, how did they deal with me? I, I really know it is wrong, let me come home to apologize, mom, you can talk What was the result? "

Li Shu heard this and glanced at Mo Zhi.

This child has always cared only about herself. How did she not discover his true face since she was a child?

Thinking of this, Li Shu lowered his eyes, and then slowly said, "Si Jingyu promised me, let you go this time."

Mo Zhili felt relieved.

Mo Hai looked at Li Shu and showed a distressed expression.

Li Shu, the pride of a young girl, has more pride than ordinary people because she reads a lot of books, but at this moment, she is going to plead with her old girlfriend, so how can he not feel bad?

Mo Hai hurriedly said, "What's her condition?"

As soon as the sentence fell, Mo Zhi jumped up, "There are still conditions?"

Li Shu glanced briefly at Mo Zhi, then looked at Mo Hai, "On the condition that Mo Xicheng be put into the company to work as soon as possible."

Although the shares were given to Mo Xicheng and his position was also given to Mo Xicheng, Mo Hai and Mo Zhi did not subconsciously invite him to work.

Mo Xicheng had a concussion and did not take a good rest. In addition, he had to participate in the celebration party of "Xiongxiong", so until now, he has not reported to the company.

Therefore, Li Shu's request is reasonable.

Mo Zhi was unhappy directly. "Why? He's an illegitimate child who comes to work in the company. How can colleagues see me? Isn't it better to let him take shares?"

The three words of illegitimate child, Mo Zhi has said many times before, every time, Li Shu will reprimand him for not swearing, and fell down to his own level.

However, at this moment, these three words are poking heartily so that Li Shu only feels that the heart seems to be pinched and hurts.

She turned pale for an instant.

Mo Hai looked at her and hurriedly reprimanded, "What are you talking about? OK, OK, let him work, let him work tomorrow!"

Then he looked nervously at Li Shu, "Li Shu, take a good rest, everything in the company is mine. Don't worry, don't get angry ..."

Li Shu heard this, nodded, and then looked at Mo Zhi again, lowered his eyes, concealed the deep meaning, and slowly walked upstairs.

As soon as Li Shu went upstairs, Mo Zhi grabbed Mo Hai's arm. "Dad, that wild seed is coming to our company, what should I do ?!"

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