You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 1485: He is my son ... (58)

Mo Xicheng is the illegitimate son of Mo Hai. This matter has also been discussed privately in the company.

But because Mo Xicheng received the exclusion, he never came to the company. As a result, people in the company have never seen him. Even if it is seen on the big screen, it is better to see the shock from the real person.

Mo Xicheng walked into the company generously, and then came to the front desk, "I'm here to report, Mo Xicheng."

The lady at the front desk stood up excitedly, "Okay, okay, I, I'll take you to the personnel department to go through the entry formalities."

Then he stood up and led Mo Xicheng to the personnel department.

The surrounding people also showed a smirk expression.

Just then, Mo Zhi emerged from behind a group of people, staring at Mo Xicheng far away, he narrowed his gloomy eyes.

Is n’t it just an illegitimate child who can't see the light? Are these people blind? Like him so much?

Humph! He will look good in a while!

Thinking of this, Mo Zhi couldn't help laughing, then walked to the side and called the personnel department.


Mo Xicheng was taken by the front desk to the personnel department.

After seeing Mo Xicheng, the manager of the personnel department immediately stood up, "Mr. Mo, hello."

Moses Cheng reached out and shook his hand.

The personnel manager came out, "Mr. Mo, the old Mr. Mo called yesterday and said it was to prepare an office for you, but because the notice was too hasty, the CEO's office on the top floor was still under renovation. Yes, you see, I'll take you to the temporary office, can you? "

Mo Xicheng narrowed his eyes when he heard this.

This is really unruly style, bullying people from small things.

But ... Moshi is too childish. Can an office prevent him from standing?

Mo Xicheng sneered, he didn't care about the location of an office, so he nodded immediately.

A heart originally mentioned by the personnel department fell instantly.

Then he took Moses to the office.

The office is actually a small room separated by glass downstairs. On the lower floor, there are many such rooms, all of which are separate offices of department managers.

Morchi now arranges him here just to hit his face and let him understand that his CEO may not be as good as a department manager in the company!

Moxie stared blankly at the office.

The manager of the personnel department was uneasy, staring at Mo Xicheng, for fear that Mo Xicheng would be in trouble.

But did not expect Mo Xicheng just looked at it, and then could not help laughing.

Seeing his sneer, the personnel manager immediately said, "Mr. Mo, the general manager Mo just called to say that the company's executive meeting is now held and you will now go to the conference room 5.

When Mo Xicheng heard this, the sneer on his lips became deeper.

He hadn't gone to Mo Zhi yet, but he didn't expect Mo Zhi to come.

Mo Xicheng thought of this, lowered his eyes, nodded slightly, "OK."

The personnel manager walked ahead and led Mo Xicheng to the door of the conference room.

Moses pushed open the door of the room, and saw that it was dark inside, and he had sat in a high-level company.

After seeing him, Mo Zhiyi stood up, "Mo Xicheng, is this shelf too big for you, let so many people wait for you?"

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