You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 1491: He is my son ... (64)

Shi Nianyao: [So busy? 】

This message was sent, and after a while, another message followed, [but this shows that my male **** is very important in the company! Are you busy ~]

Mo Xicheng saw the words in the back, and he couldn't help but drew his lips back. The melancholic face became clear instantly.

He stared at the phone and looked at it for a while before he stood up and planned to pour a cup of coffee in the tea room.

He got up, walked to the tea room, and before he went in, he heard the people inside and was discussing him warmly.

"Ah, did you see Mo Nan? He is more beautiful than the movie! In the movie, sometimes people with a beard or something don't look good on themselves!"

"What's so good? Isn't it our illegitimate son of President Mo? You haven't seen the meeting today. President Mo talked, he didn't say a word!"

"Mr. Mo?"

"It's Mr. Mo Zhimo. The two Mr. Mo must be separated. Mr. Mo Zhimo is relatively old, so now everyone calls him Mr. Mo Xicheng, and Mr. Mo Xicheng is the little Mr. Mo!"

"That turned out to be the case. The first match between President Mo and President Mo today, who won or lost?"

"Do you need to talk about this? Of course it ’s Mr. Mo. You do n’t know. Mr. Mo is so pitiful. The office arranged by the Personnel Department has no way to stay inside. It ’s hot now, in that room. The air conditioner was broken, and a whole floor-to-ceiling window next to that room was sun-facing, it was a big steamer and it was hot. "

"Ah, isn't the air conditioner in that room good? Why is it broken?"

"Da Mo always said it was broken, it must be bad!"

The other person suddenly realized, "Oh, yes ..."

While the two were talking, Moses Cheng walked in, Shi Shiran came to the coffee machine, turned on the coffee machine, and poured coffee for himself.

The two talking people, as soon as they saw Mo Xicheng, were dumbfounded, stood there straight, and saw Mo Xicheng ran over and poured coffee, pretending not to hear, and left with the coffee.

Two people, look at me, I look at you, and immediately lowered my head, didn't dare to talk anymore, and then ran to my own work place and went to work.

Mo Xicheng left the cafe and walked to his office door.

He stared at the inside, the office door was open, and standing at the door, he felt the heat coming from inside, in sharp contrast with the coolness outside.

He lowered his head, and after a while looked at the people next to him with a sneer, and said, "Call me the manager of the personnel department."

Although the man was not in Mo Xicheng's department, when he heard this, he still didn't dare to neglect, and hurried to the personnel department. After a long time, the personnel manager was long overdue.

He stood in front of Mo Xicheng, looked at Mo Xicheng and asked, "Mr. Mo, may I ask you something?"

Seeing Mo Xicheng standing outside, before entering the office, he smiled and said, "In fact, you can call me, you can call me, I can come over, find someone to call me again, and I wasted time on the road ~ "

When Mo Xicheng heard this, he raised his eyes, turned to look at his office, and suddenly said with a smile: "I came to you to discuss something with you."

With that said, he pointed to the office, "Come in."

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