You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 1497: He is my son ... (70)

The meaning of Mo Xicheng's refusal was so obvious that Li Dao's face turned black.

He narrowed his eyes, stared at Mo Xicheng, and then suddenly sneered, "I heard that the cooperation with me is your first project into the company. If this project cannot be negotiated, you say, your company Do you think you are useless? "

Mo Xicheng looked down. "Then don't bother Li Dao."

Li Dao raised his eyebrows, stared at Mo Xicheng, and then spoke after half a ring: "Are you sure, don't cooperate with me?"

When he said that, he stood up abruptly, and since Mo Xicheng would not take the initiative to sit next to him, he would sit next to Mo Xicheng.

He sat beside Mo Xicheng, didn't speak, but just reached out his hand and touched his thigh.

Before he could touch it, his wrist was suddenly grabbed by Moses.

Li Dao turned his head and saw Mo Xicheng staring at him with a deep light in his eyes.

Dao Li swallowed, "Mo Xicheng, I like people like you. If you don't like me playing with you, how can I let you go to me?"

When this word fell, he couldn't help but put his head forward.

The disgusting appearance made Mosi almost spit out the meal at noon.

He sneered, and asked next second, "Guide Li, don't you remember Liu Liu?"

When Li Dao heard this, he suddenly hesitated.

Liu Liu was a flesh-and-blood flew on a TV series five years ago, but then disappeared, and no one knows his whereabouts.

Li Dao narrowed his eyes and coughed. "I don't know, what's wrong?"

Moxie narrowed his eyes. "Don't you know?"

In his eyes, there was a hint of hatred and murder.

Liu Liu entered the entertainment industry with him that year. The two were in the same company and had the same brothers. Because he wanted to keep a low profile, he wanted to give him Liu TV.

Then Liu Liuhong became red.

Later, Liu Liu was fancy by Li Dao, saying that he was going to talk about his next actor.

At that time, Li Dao's hobbies had not been announced before the public, so everyone did not know what he looked like.

Mo Xicheng waited for the good news of Liu Liu, but Liu Liu didn't call him to announce the news that night.

The next day, when he called Liu Liu again, Liu Liu's cell phone turned off.

Later, he found him in Liu Liu's apartment.

At the time, he described how embarrassed Li Dao was, and Liu Liu fancy Liu Liu, who wanted to subscribe to Liu Liu. Liu Liu did not agree. Later, Li Dao gave Liu Liu a medicine, which made him *** Xi Cheng was angry when he saw this picture.

The subsequent development has made the atmosphere even more exciting.

After Liu Liu was stabbed once, he refused to cooperate with Li Dao, and Li Dao cancelled the role originally assigned to him and gave it to another person.

He also exploded his photo, claiming that he seduced himself, and that incident was annoying.

Later, Liu Liu's parents could not bear such a blow, and both died of illness. Liu Liu was also depressed. Finally, he took all his money and went abroad to start a new life. He never appeared in the entertainment industry again.

As his good friend, Mo Xicheng had long wanted to avenge Liu Liu.

However, Mo Xicheng had always kept a low-key style because of family matters. Moreover, he never had the opportunity to meet with Li Dao, so it was delayed.

And now ...

PS: See you at night ~~

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