You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 1502: He is my son ... (75)

Mosi took on his clothes, and Shi Nianyao bowed his head and went out in despair.

The two left the villa door, went to the underground garage, and married Shi Nianyao's car. Mo Xicheng was sitting in the driver's seat, and Shi Nianyao was in the front passenger seat.

Moses Cheng started the car.

Shi Nianyao was a little reluctant.

She waited all day today to finally make the cake. Is it just for half an hour with the male god?

It's too much to lose!

She doesn't want to just leave like this!

She turned her head, looked at the male god's face, and couldn't help but bit her lips.

Then I had no choice but to say something: "When I celebrate my birthday, my parents will give me gifts, so will my brother and sister-in-law! How did you celebrate your birthday before?"

After she said it, she suddenly felt that she had asked a little more than this.

Today is his birthday on the solar calendar, but Mo Xicheng has apparently forgotten to come back so late.

So she hurried to make up: "I see that you had a birthday with fans last year, the year before last. In fact, every year, it is very happy to be with fans!"

After this sentence, Mo Xicheng's eyes could not help but dim.

He suddenly said, "Actually, it's not my birthday."

In a word, Shi Nianyao suddenly held her back, she said wrongly: "Ah?"

Mo Xicheng turned to look at Shi Nianyao, "Every year, the day I spent with the fans is not my birthday. My account book and the birth date of my ID card are wrong."

Shi Nian Yao wondered with wide eyes, "How could ..."

Mo Xicheng laughed, "Why not? I was born a few hours away from Mo Zhi, and my family always felt taboo, so I gave my account a month later, and on the profile, you also know that all are It ’s calculated based on the birthday of the ID card, so I did n’t explain it to the fans. Anyway, I can live any day, so I will come by that day. ”

In a word, Shi Nian Yao Ning frowned. "How can this be! Then how do you spend each year, the day of your real birthday?"

Mo Xicheng said, "I'm not birthday, because I don't have many friends."

My birthday is not, but not, but no one has accompanied him.

Shi Nianyao thought that when he celebrated his birthday last year, the company arranged a small paty for him, and Shen Liangchuan went to support them at that time.

But what's the use of those bright surfaces?

That day, it was not Mo Xicheng's birthday at all.

She bit her lip, lowered her head and forgot about it, and suddenly found out, "I found that if your ID card is backed up for a month, today is your birthday! It's a coincidence!"

Mo Xicheng laughed when he heard this, "Well, it's a coincidence."

Shi Nianyao stared at Mo Xicheng, not knowing why. From this sentence, he heard a hint of irony.

A distressed sensation filled the whole body instantly.

Suddenly she lowered her head, picked up her mobile phone, and sent a message to her parents and her private group: [Parents, I won't go home tonight. 】

Then she looked up, looked at Mo Xicheng, and said, "Let's make a U-turn."

Mo Xicheng shuddered, "Huh?"

Shi Nianyao said, "Let's go home for our birthday! Aren't you, do you want me to give you a birthday present?"

PS: Would you like to eat flesh for the male god? It's up to you! See you tomorrow ~~

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