You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 1505: He is my son ... (78)

After Shi Jinyan said this, he walked directly to the side, picked up his coat, and walked straight out, explaining to the housekeeper as he walked, "Give me a car."


The steward went away.

Shi Jinyan frowned, holding the mobile phone to make a call again, and there was still: "The call you dialed is off ..."

Shi Jinyan threw his mobile phone on the sofa. "As a girl, you have to love yourself. It is too much to go home this night! It ’s too good to be a good boy since you were a kid, and you never worry about it. It was definitely brought by Mosi! This must be his idea! The young boy couldn't hold himself. Does he think that Yao is a casual girl outside? Can you just drag Yao to sleep overnight? No, absolutely not! I must go and bring Nian Yao back! "

Having said that, I went out, but after taking two steps, I heard Si Jingyu's voice, "You are back."

Shi Jinyan stood still and looked back, and saw Si Jingyu step forward, staring at him, and said with tears of laughter: "You rush now, it takes at least an hour, what they want to do, long ago!"

Shi Jinyan was stunned, his face angered, "So, what then?"

Having said that, he lowered his head and picked up his cell phone. "I called the kid! If he dared to touch my daughter's hair, I would peel his skin!"

Si Jingyu couldn't help crying and laughing, grabbed his hand, and calmly said, "Why are you doing this? They are glued together during the day, and you can't follow them all the time. Does that have to wait until night? Are you doing it? They also have time during the day! Moreover, when Yao Yao is studying abroad, he always cleans himself. After he returns, he will definitely not do anything casually. I will tell you that if they really What ’s happening now, what time is it? What's the matter with them? You can't use your old-fashioned ideas to ask the children now! "

Shi Jinyan was said again for a moment, "Well, that can't stay home all night!"

Si Jingyu couldn't help lowering his head and smiling, "You say, are you really reluctant to Yao Yao?"

Shi Jinyan was coughed, and then he looked away and then said, "Where! I ..."

"Actually, I can't bear Yao Yao, a child raised by myself. Seeing that it has grown from so little to such a big age, I'm an adult, and I like other people. The boy chased his hand, and it always felt like she had become someone else's house. But what can we do as parents? They all wanted Cheng family sooner or later. When Shi Zhe got married, we were not lost. Yet?"

"What's more, you rushed over now, grabbed them on the spot, and then? Yao Yao's face is not good, Mo Xicheng will not be good, both sides are embarrassed, why bother? Give young people some independent space, always Ok."

Shi Jingyu's words calmed Shi Jinyan. After thinking for a while, he took a deep breath, lowered his head, and said with a bit of frustration: "Yeah, the girl grew up and became someone else's. . "

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