You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 1514: He is my son ... (87)

In a word, making Morch's face uneasy for a moment, he yelled, "Is Mo Xicheng can you bother us for the meeting? Do you understand the rules? What trivial matters, we must interrupt our meeting That man came to Mo Xicheng, is there an appointment? "

After he scolded, the face of the little front desk suddenly turned bad.

She bit her lip.

Mo Xicheng frowned and looked at the small front desk. "Who came to me? Don't worry ..."

The face of the front desk was so pretty, and Mo Zi was angry again when he was about to speak. "Mo Xicheng, are you sensible? We are in a meeting now! The meeting !!! Anyone who is a cat or a dog comes to the company to find You? Are you your fans ?! "

He immediately reprimanded: "I know you were a little star before, but do n’t bring your entertainment habit into our company. If every one of your fans comes, our company will receive it, will it be a company in the future? Is there for you? Nothing else ?! "

Mo Xicheng heard this, and frowned, looking at Mo Zhi, "Would you let her finish talking?"

Mo Zhi Lengheng, "After that? What did you say? We're in a meeting now! Let's talk about investment projects. Such an important meeting was interrupted by a small front desk. Why, Mr. Mo, I said she could not do a few words Anymore? "

Mo Xicheng's complexion suddenly gloomed.

He stared at Morpheus and slowly said, "Do you mean that as long as we are in a meeting, no matter what happens, don't let others disturb you? Even if it is a big thing in the company?"

Mo Zhili snorted, "Of course! During the meeting, you are not allowed to be disturbed! Unless the person who comes is Tianwang Laozi!"

Mo Xicheng's eyes suddenly cooled down.

He stared at Morph.

Who is coming to him? He already guessed who it was.

Because I just contacted people from Wang Dao yesterday. I made an appointment to come to their company to sign a contract today. After all, a company seal is needed.

So the person who is here now should be the one who signed the investment for the crew!

But looking at Morchi now, he felt it necessary to give Morchi a warning.

So Mo Xicheng sneered and said, "That's OK."

Then he turned to look at the front desk, "Please help the person who will find me, make an appointment in the meeting room, and entertain me well, and say that I'm in a meeting here, and come to him later."

The front desk kept saying, "But the person who comes is really important, is ..."

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted again by Mo Zhi, "Even if Lao Zi is here, give me time to have a meeting! Can he be better than Lao Zi?"

The lady at the front desk was crying, her eyes were red, and she was angry. "Of course not."

"Well, let him wait!"

The front desk breathed a sigh of relief, "Is that what you mean by President Mo?"

Mo Zhi nodded, "Yes, I mean!"

The front desk took a deep breath, "Okay, then I'll tell him now, I just hope that President Mo will be there when you arrive, don't blame me!"

Mo Zhi waved his hands in disgust, and the front desk turned sharply and left the conference room.

When the front desk left, the sound of controversy sounded again in the room. Mo Zhi stared at Mo Xicheng and said, "When are you going to be able to sign the contract? If you can't sign the contract, then it will be nothing!"

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