You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 1550: Moshi Cheng corrects his name! (twenty three)

Just after this sentence was scolded, the agent suddenly realized that the other cell phone was still on, and then became silent. After a while, he said, "Mo, Mo ..."

Mo Xicheng lowered his eyes and slowly spoke, with a calm power in his voice. "If there is such a phone call, it would be better to just agree with it. Noisy with them and loses his grace."

The agent's voice suddenly choked, "But they are too bullying, I ..."

"If they are willing to get together and break up, if they don't want to, we have to fight hard and let us pay liquidated damages, then ask a lawyer to fight a lawsuit with them."

At this strong time, Mo Xicheng will never be subdued.

The agent nodded. "Okay, I listen to you!"

Mo Xicheng laughed. "Don't worry. You can slow down everything."

The agent paused, and then nodded. "Yes, you can go at any time. Don't be too stressed, Mo Ge."

Moses nodded.

The agent hesitated. "Then you should go home now, after all, it's really unsafe in the company, or I'll go find someone to protect you now."

Mo Xicheng thought for a while, "Okay, let the bodyguard come here. At this moment, I'd better go home."

The agent nodded, "Just arrange for someone to come to you."

Hanging up the phone, Mo Xicheng was in the office, pondering a bit, and then stood up, was going to go out, at this time, a familiar voice suddenly came over, Mo Xicheng looked up, and Seeing Li Shu standing at the door of his office, he shouted, "Mo Xicheng ..."

Mo Xicheng froze directly, staring at Li Shu dumbly, after half a ring he lowered his eyes, nodded to Li Shu, and then went out.

Li Shu narrowed his eyes at Mo Xicheng's low look.

She stared at Mo Xicheng, took a deep breath, and then said, "Don't worry, this public opinion will be suppressed. You can rest assured that I will let you live upright in this world!"

Moses Cheng listened with a stubborn tone in the discourse, and looked up in doubt.

When I saw Li Shu standing there, when she said this sentence, there was an unusual emotion in her eyes, and he tried hard to see that emotion clearly.

He could see from her body the same anger and the same sorrow as he did.

But why is she like this?

He narrowed his eyes, not knowing why, suddenly thought of Gao Feng in the company, helping him everywhere, and the relationship between Gao Feng and Li Shu has always been good ...

So isn't Li Shu letting Gao Feng take care of himself?

Even for this reason, weird and weird, but at this moment, he would rather believe that this is the case, he also can not believe that Li Shu will join forces with the peak to remediate himself.

He narrowed his eyes, and then slowly spoke after a half-squeak: "You ... why do you help me so much?"

Li Shu bit his ears at first, and the eye circles suddenly turned red.

A pair of eyes stared hard at him, she knew that it was time to tell the truth.

She couldn't drag anymore, she had to personally tell the truth to Mo Xicheng in person.

She wants her son to stop living in the shadows, appear in the sun, and live brightly! !!

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