You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 1554: Moshi Cheng corrects his name! (27)

Shi Nianyao thought about this, and felt distressed for him.

She swallowed and looked at Mo Xicheng immediately. "Well, don't be afraid, I'll be with you."

Mo Xicheng looked at her again, "Just, it's difficult for you."

Shi Nian Yao Yiyi, "Ah? What can I do?"

Mo Xicheng lowered his head, "If you let others know that you are married to an illegitimate child like me, will you laugh at you?"

In a word, Shi Nianyao was furious. "You are the one I am after! How can you say that ?! Anyway, who dares to laugh at me? I asked my brother and my dad to chop his tongue!"

The proud and arrogant look, Mosi could not bear to look down and smiled.

Shi Nianyao realized that Mo Xicheng was teasing her.

She immediately laughed, and just then, Mo Xicheng's phone rang on her desk.

After receiving the answer, Mo Xi heard the voice of a lady at the front desk. "Mr. Mo, Director Wang came over and said there were some loopholes in the contract. I want to confirm with you again. I have arranged a meeting on the first floor Can you come downstairs? "

Wang Dao's person is here?

A leak in the contract?

Could it be said that funds are still not available? So are they asking for guilt?

Mo Xicheng said without any doubt, "OK, I'll go downstairs now."

Hanging up the phone, he looked at Shi Nianyao and said, "You are waiting for me here. I'll go downstairs for a meeting, and I'll be back later."

Shi Nian Yao Yiyi, "What meeting?"

Shouldn't this be the time to avoid suspicion?

Mo Xicheng said: "There is a problem with the investment of Wang Dao. I will go downstairs to see it."

Shi Nianyao nodded.

Moxie glanced at her, then stretched out her hand, shook her hand, and walked out of the office.

As soon as he stepped out of the office, he narrowed his eyes, his face just looking relaxed and gone.

Wang Dao's people came to him and would definitely call him in advance and make an appointment.

What's more, if it is really a business in the company, you can't see him in the conference room on the first floor.

So at this moment, the one who came downstairs to find him was definitely not Wang Dao.

So, who is this person?

He frowned, walked to the elevator, and slowly came downstairs.

When he got downstairs, he headed for the conference room on the first floor.

The front desk led him, "Mr. Mo, here in Room 101, waiting for you."

Mo Xicheng continued to nod.

Going to the door of Room 101, the front desk opened the door.

Moxie glanced back and walked in.

Sitting in the conference room, the woman who pretended to be Wang Dao's staff, not others, was Yao Lili.

She was sitting behind the table in the conference room and staring at him.

After seeing him in, he pointed to the door behind him and "closed."

Mo Xicheng looked at Yao Lili, just stared at her for a while, then turned back, closed the door, and slowly walked across to her.

Yao Lili sat proudly and raised her head. "Mo Xicheng, as soon as you leave the company and sign this agreement, I will immediately come forward and help you get the reporters outside. What do you say? After this, you can still be your Mo Yingdi, but I, my own junior, has nothing to do with you ... "

Mo Xicheng looked down and found that the document was a transfer of shares.

On the document, it promised to transfer 30% of the company's shares in its name to Moritz.

PS: After the update, see you tomorrow ~~

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