You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 1575: Moshi Cheng corrects his name! (48)

In order not to embarrass Morch, she did not ask Morch, but came to herself.

She knew that Mo Zhi was the only son of Mo Hai, and even if her identity was announced now, he was also awkward compared to Mo Hai and Li Shu.

Moxi Cheng narrowed his eyes and stared at Yao Lili.

By the side of Mo Xicheng, Li Shu was already anxious.

She didn't know what Mo Xicheng would choose, but if Mo Xicheng chose to speak and let them let go of Yao Lili, she would definitely not be able to do it because she hated Yao Lili too much.

She had no way to forgive her, or even forgive herself.

Thinking of the past, she even hated Mo Hai for the badness of Mo Xicheng.

She wanted to say something, but she didn't know what to do.

Even in her heart, there was a bit of sourness.

Yao Lili grew up with Mo Xicheng from a young age, so Mo Xicheng must have a special feeling for Yao Lili.

Their mother and son have lived together for so many years ...

As he was thinking, he heard Mo Xicheng say, "I'm sorry, you took Mrs. Mo's child, not mine."

In a word, the policemen who stood beside them couldn't help but laughed.

The atmosphere in the room was not so depressed for an instant.

Li Shu's complexion looked better.

She agreed with Mo Xicheng.

Mo Xicheng was raised by Yao Lili for so many years, without raising crooks.

He knows the facts clearly, knows the priorities, and knows love and hate.

And she has been raising Mo Zhi for more than 20 years, but at this moment, she stared at her and Mo Hai with those hateful eyes.

It was his mother who obviously did the wrong thing, and Mo Xicheng was the most innocent ...

Thinking of this, Li Shu lowered his eyes.

Yao Lili was stunned by Mo Xicheng's words. She looked at Mo Xicheng in shock and then couldn't help screaming, "Mo Xicheng, do you have a conscience! I You have nurtured you for so many years, and you have treated me this way! You know that as long as you ask your mother and begging for help, she will let me go! "

Mo Xi Cheng narrowed his eyes and stared at Yao Lili. "Then why should I ask Madam Mo?"

Another sentence of Mrs. Mo ...

Li Shu's heart froze slightly.

Mo Xicheng still had a knot to them in the end. It had been a few hours since the truth broke out, but she hadn't called her mother.

While Li Shu was thinking, Yao Lili said again, "Anyway, nourishment is greater than life, how can you do this to me! Are you not afraid that others will say you have no conscience?"

Mo Xicheng lowered his eyes and didn't speak.

Yao Lili still wanted to continue to stir up, but Li Shu stood up, "Comrade police, please take her away, I won't see her first."

Can be regarded as a siege for Moshi Cheng.

The police immediately nodded. "Okay."

Then went to Yao Lili.

Yao Lili's eyes widened, and she suddenly panicked, "No, I don't go to jail! I don't go to jail! Mo Xicheng, save me, save me! Unfix, save me!"

Yao Lili finally shouted Mori's name, everyone's eyes fell on Mori's body.

When Mo Zhi heard this, he suddenly turned his head and did not dare to look into Yao Lili's eyes. He didn't say a word from beginning to end.

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