You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 1635: Epilogue (8)

Li Shu's entire brain is empty.

She fixedly looked at the man in front of him, looked at the shirt on his chest, stained with blood, and watched him fall to the ground weakly, his pupils spreading a bit ...

She just felt that her heart felt as if she was being held tight.

She didn't know what to do or what to do.

She was just squatting on the ground, kneeling on the ground, her hands covering his chest, trying to squeeze him back all the blood.

It seems that as long as this, as long as the blood does not flow out, Mo Hai still has a chance to survive ...

After she shouted a few words, she wanted to continue talking, but she found that she was choked with silence.

There was also warm liquid flowing down her eyes ...

Li Shu only felt that his throat was choked and speechless.

At this moment, the shoulder was patted, and she turned back to see Mo Xicheng standing behind her with a heavy face. His eyes were dark, staring at the man who fell to the ground, and he calmly said, ,I come……"

The ambulance came quickly. About five minutes later, Mo Hai got on the ambulance.

Li Shu was caring and followed Mo Hai.

Her sight was always fixed on Mo Hai's body, and the tears in her eyes kept flowing.

She looked at Mo Hai and said directly: "Mo Hai, you can't die ... you wake me up, you open my eyes ..."

She shouted, and couldn't help covering her face and burst into tears.

She thought she didn't love Mo Hai.

She thought that she finally wanted to drive and would never have any more trouble with Mo Hai.

She thought ...

But that was all she thought.

Until this moment, she finally realized that her love for Mo Hai was deeply suppressed by her from beginning to end.

Otherwise, after so many years, she is traveling alone, and she will probably not fall in love with others ...

She is not the dead heart hurt by marriage at all, but her heart is always on Mo Hai!

She looked at Mo Hai lying on the stretcher, could not help but hold his hand tightly, "Mo Hai, you wake me up, I don't allow you to die, do you know ?! Did you hear? You give I opened my eyes! You still owe our mother and son a lot of things, you want to return them to us, what are you doing so dead ?! Mo Hai, you open my eyes to me, did you hear that? Mo Hai! "

She cried like a ignorant child, just trying to wake the person she cared about most.

But the dagger on Mo Hai's chest was too big, too eye-catching ...

Just as she was crying, the hand that held Mo Hai was suddenly held back.

Li Shu stunned suddenly, raised his head, and saw Mo Hai's pale complexion, his eyes slowly opened.

Her eyes were red, staring at Mo Hai, and the moment she saw him waking up, she immediately shouted, "Mo Hai, you are awake! Do n’t be troubled, I do n’t allow you to be troubled, you know? You did n’t say Have you ever listened to me in my life, so I tell you now, I want you, live, live! "

Even if they can't be together ... she wants him to live.

As long as he was alive, she felt enough.

But now ...

Mo Haifan held Li Shu's hand, a pair of deep eyes, staring at her, full of infinite friendship and lingering, he suddenly said: "Li Shu, I'm sorry ..."

PS: I ca n’t stay up all night, so I ’m going to adjust my schedule, and then I ’ll change it tonight. I ’m going to bed ~ I woke up tomorrow, write during the day, and more during the day ~~

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