You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 1643: Epilogue (16)

Unstable eyes lit up instantly.

But the moment Yao Lili saw him, the whole person was aggressive!

Because it was a break, the prisoners could move around freely. Yao Lili rushed straight up and grabbed Mo Zhi's arm. "Why did you come in? What's wrong?"

The prisoner must not know the news from the outside world, so until this moment, Yao Lili didn't know what Mo Hai was dead.

Mo Zhi's mouth opened and he wanted to speak, but before he spoke, Yao Lili was furious. "Is this the ghost of Mo Xicheng? Is he doing this to you in order to inherit the property of Mo family? Too much! What about your dad? Let me tell you, only your dad can save you out of this! The only person you can rely on in this world is your dad! "

But after finishing this sentence, she saw that Mo Zhi's eyes were red, and she suddenly said, "What's wrong?"

Mo Zhi started crying, "Dad, Daddy ... has passed away."

Before he finished speaking, Yao Lili suddenly exclaimed, "How is this possible! How could he be so young, how could he pass away! Who do you say killed him? Did not Mo Xicheng and Li Shu practice kill him? Inherit Mo's property ?! "

When Mo Zhi heard this, he silently closed his eyes. "I killed."

Yao Lili: ...

The whole world seems to be quiet.

Mo Zhi opened his eyes and saw Yao Lili staring at him in shock, "Are you a brain disabled ?! You killed? Who did you kill you! That's your father, that's the best in the world for you People, no matter what mistakes you make, that's the only person who can tolerate you infinitely! "

Mo Zhixin's heart was even more sad. He waved anxiously, "I know all you said, I didn't mean it! My original intention was to kill Li Shu, but my father rushed to block it!"

As soon as the sentence fell, Yao Lili was even more shocked. "What are you talking about? He is Li Shushu's knife? He's dead? Oh, he doesn't even look at me for a while, but he will keep Li Shushu ..."

Thinking of this, Yao Lili took a step back and sat on the ground with one buttock, only to feel very desperate in life.

She designed everything from a young age, but until now, Mo Hai is dead. She has worked hard for more than 20 years and still has nothing.

Her son is still beside him, in this cell ...

When the original was poured in, the hope that was still carried, at this moment, completely collapsed.

Mo Zhi looked at her, not knowing why. Suddenly he felt a little annoyed, bypassed Yao Lili, and walked to his cell number.

In prison, several people live together.

He came to the door of his cell, and as soon as he pushed the door open, he heard a familiar voice, "Well, isn't this stubborn?"

Fucked a moment, raised his head suddenly, and saw that the big belly was sitting in the room!

And the other few people in the cell, one was rubbing the shoulders of the big belly, and the other was manicuring him. Looking at the past, the big belly obviously became the boss of several people!

Mo Zhi widened his eyes by mistake, turned, and wanted to run!

But his shoulder was suddenly grasped, and immediately he was dragged into the cell!

Then there were screams of misery and sharpness in the cell!

PS: The ninth more ~ ​​This is yesterday's update. It was added three chapters. Today, I woke up and wrote ~~

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