You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 1649: Epilogue (22)

"We are reunited in this group because we like him. I believe that no matter what happens, we must support him because we are old fans who have watched him become popular all the time. He is about to get married, and some people say I do n’t agree. Some people are sad. I can understand it, but as his most loyal fan, I just want to say that the first half of the male **** has suffered too much. If his fiancee is good to him, If he makes him happy, then I am willing to bless him. Because our company can only be online, and his fiancee can comfort and accompany him in life. Therefore, I will continue to support him, Continue to support him as before. "

After the passage, there was a long silence in the group.

After a while, someone couldn't help but finally came out and said, "Have her fiancee, the girl who took the picture last time? Actually, she looks beautiful, and they deserve it."

"Yes, the girl looks very kind, but she certainly doesn't know as much as we know about male gods. You say, how good would that girl be if it were someone in our group?"

"Yes, the male **** is usually busy, and I do n’t have time to chat with me. We can learn everything about the male god's daily life through his wife. It is also very happy to think about it. Pu Yun, is there any way for you, Pull her into our WeChat group? "

As soon as this word came out, some people ridiculed and satired, "Don't dream here for the rest of the day, the fiancee of the male **** must be a wealthy aristocrat. Where can I come to chat with WeChat groups? How can we be friends with ordinary people?"

As soon as this word came out, someone immediately retorted, "What happened to the nobles? Since we are married to our male god, then we have to tell her that we like male gods with us. We want to make a collection of male gods. The most handsome side shows, let's start collecting videos of male gods now. I remember what was the first movie of male gods? "

"It was the supporting actor supporting Shen Yingdi at the time. That movie was ..."

People in the group, you said, I said, eagerly.

Shi Nianyao looked at it, and couldn't help laughing.

After a while, Ait directly went to her:

[Pu Yun: @ 念 姚, let's prepare things, can you make a video? Every time you make a video, it's the most beautiful. I'll leave it to you. 】

After finishing this sentence, Pu Yun also gave her a private chat, "Nian Yao, I believe you have the same idea as me, and I hope the male **** can be happy. This is our new wedding thing for the male god. Ca n’t help everyone make this video, and then send it on the day the male **** is married, okay? ”

May I?

Shi Nianyao's eyes suddenly became sore.

Of course she would say yes, how could it not be!

She smiled and said, "Of course!"

After replying to the private chat, she continued to reply to the group: [Yes! 】

So things settled down. Everyone collected video materials and gave them to Nian Yao in private, and then Nian Yao would do it together for them.

For a while, the atmosphere in the group became super good.

Everyone is very harmonious. At first, the atmosphere was sad because the male **** was about to get married. At this moment, he became happy.

But talking about it, suddenly someone couldn't help but ask a question: "We are done, but how can we give it to the fiance of the male god?"

PS: The update is over ~ see you in the daytime tomorrow! !! At the end of the month, ask for a monthly pass! !! !!

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