You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 1656: Epilogue (29)

Shi Nianyao just felt that the room in this lounge was not too large. It was a bit inconvenient for ten people to come in together. It was not really asking a few more people.

But did not expect Pu Yun to answer so seriously.

Seeing that they were not with them one by one, Shi Nian Yao suddenly remembered that there was such a person among the guests who came today.

She froze instantly.

Looking at the mobile phone for a moment, he saw the message from Pu Yun: "You said, we rushed into Mrs. Mo's lounge like this, wouldn't it ... not good!"

Shi Nianyao hurriedly answered, "No, you come in."

Pu Yun: ...

Pu Yun froze for a moment, and sent a "??" expression, indicating that she didn't understand.

Shi Nianyao thought for a while, and then said: "The door is not closed, come in."

Pu Yun hesitated, and a scream came from outside the door, and immediately Pu Yun knocked on the door: "Nian Yao, are you in there? I said why you didn't ask for an invitation, so you have your own Invitation! ... "

Before she finished speaking, Shi Nianyao couldn't help laughing, she took her skirt with both hands, walked to the door, took a deep breath, and opened the door.

She's Mrs. Mo. She doesn't want to hide her fans anymore.

Because she wanted to be with them.

Want to let them know that Mo Xicheng is not married, so they do not pay attention to their group of fans.

The door opened.

A few strange girls stood outside the door.

Pu Yun stood at the front and stretched out her hand. After seeing her, she was shocked.

She stared blankly at Shi Nianyao, and then hesitantly asked: "Nian Yao?"

Shi Nianyao nodded.

Pu Yun's first reaction turned out to be: "Are you also married in this hotel ?!"

Shi Nianyao: ...! !! !!

She couldn't help laughing, and said with tears of laughter: "Yeah, I'm getting married in this hotel too."

Pu Yun: ...

Pu Yun looked at her dumbly.

The people behind were also directly aggressive.

Finally, someone couldn't help but step forward and looked at Shi Nianyao and asked, "Mo, Mrs Mo ... I, we are, we are fans of Mo Nan God, we are all loyal fans ... don't get me wrong, we I ’m not here to warn you or anything, I just want to tell you, Mo Man ... very, very good ... "

As soon as the words came out, Pu Yun responded suddenly, "You, you are Mrs. Mo!"

Shi Nianyao: ...

Pu Yun's reaction at this moment was so funny that she couldn't laugh or cry.

She looked at Pu Yun and gave her a wink, and then Pu Yun closed her mouth.

She knew that Nian Yao didn't want everyone to know. She was Nian Yao in the group, because there would be a lot of unnecessary trouble.

But she was really speechless with excitement!

At that moment, someone handed the CD that they made to the video and burned it to Shi Nianyao: "Mrs. Mo, this is a new wedding thing that our fans will send you and the male **** collectively. I hope you have time and you can check more. Many of the movies that the gods have made before are great. If you want to watch them, we can recommend them to you ... "

Pu Yun: ... In the group, is it good to read Yao? !!

She stood there, watching Shi Nianyao chatting with the fans, and suddenly felt that deep in her heart, the last bit of unhappiness was accompanied by the discovery that Mrs. Mo was reading Yao, and the smoke disappeared.

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