You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 1658: Epilogue (31)

"Oh!" Shi Nian Yao couldn't help laughing out loud!

How could it be impossible to call? It must be what Shen Yingdi did!

It seems that men are careful.

She smirked and shook her head.

Qiao Lian couldn't help but said, "Actually, I don't have much contact with the second brother. We talked once during that time. Okay, let's go out soon. Your wedding is about to happen. Held!"

Shi Nianyao stuck out his tongue to Qiao Lian, and then went out.

As soon as Shi Nianyao went out, she suddenly felt a glowing look. She froze slightly and turned to look at it, only to find that Lu Nanze was standing not far away, beside his new wife, Qiao Yiyi lowered his head and stood still awkwardly, as if there was no sense of existence.

Shi Nianyao froze slightly.

Something flashed in her mind, but when she wanted to continue thinking, she heard the emcee say: "Ladies and gentlemen ... Thank you for coming together from all corners of the world. Today let us witness Mr. Mo Xicheng and Ms. Shi Nianyao's wedding ... "

Shi Nian Yao immediately returned to God.

She looked straight ahead and saw Mo Xicheng standing on the high platform.

Then, Shi Jinyan approached Shi Nianyao and took her hand.

After the emcee made a few opening remarks, Mo Xicheng went down the red carpet step by step and walked in front of Shi Nianyao.

Shi Nianyao also came to Mo Xicheng with the help of Shi Jinyan.

Immediately, Mo Xicheng knelt down on one knee. "Read Yao, would you marry me?"

The scene was cheering and screaming!

Shi Nianyao smiled at Mo Xicheng, then looked back at Shi Jinyan.

Mo Xicheng immediately said, "Dad ..."

Shi Jinyan looked a little tangled, but handed Shi Nian Yao's hand to Mo Xicheng.

He said in a heavy voice: "I gave you the little princess that I held in my hand since childhood."

Moses swears immediately and vowed: "I will always put her on the apex of my heart and I will not let her suffer any wrongdoing."

Shi Jinyan nodded.

Mo Xicheng took Shi Nianyao and went to the high stage.

The master of ceremonies looked at the two men, and read the vow ...


Everyone below was thinking.

Some shed tears because of the vows of love on the stage.

Some stared at the gorgeous wedding dress on the stage and the scene layout, and felt envious.

Some stared at women in the distance, with complex eyes.

Lu Nanze is this man.

His eyes, from beginning to end, fell on Qiao Lian. His eyes were like a torch. Even if Qiao Lian was wearing loose clothes, he could still see her holding a big belly and standing slightly slightly fat by Shen Liangchuan.

Even when Qiao Lian was in labor, she was still beautiful and unrecognizable. Standing beside Shen Liangchuan, she was still male and female, and everyone around him looked envious.

Some people pleased Shen Liangchuan to congratulate the unborn children, while others smiled and looked at Qiao Lian.

When two people stand there, they make a world of their own.

Lu Nanze looked at him, and with a deep look, he stepped forward unconsciously, walking towards Qiao Lian step by step.

Qiao Yiyi standing behind Lu Nanze saw his steps and couldn't help raising his head. After seeing Lu Nanze's direction, his eyes darkened.

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