You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 1675: Qiao Yiyi (5)

Ten million?

Dad Joe's eyes widened stupidly, and he swallowed.

Lu Nanze asked: "What? Distressed?"

"No heartache, no heartache! Absolutely no heartache! Marry Li's lady, this money is worth it!" Dad Joe said immediately.

Lu Nanze nodded. "Then you have the money ready to tell me, if everything is fine today, you go first."

Joe's father stopped talking and looked at Joe one by one, using his eyes to signal Joe one by one to send him out.

Joe glanced at Joe's father one by one, still not speaking.

Dad Joe suddenly felt that this daughter was an elm mule, so obvious a hint that he couldn't even see it!

Why did you get this momentary heartbeat and marry this daughter to Lu Nanze?

I'm so angry now!

He breathed a sigh of relief, glanced at Qiao Gang, and then the two walked towards the door.

Go half way, then look back and look into the room.

Joe still did not speak one by one, and the two left.

After they left, Qiao stood still, thinking about what to say to Lu Nanze, and saw that Lu Nanze suddenly turned around and went directly upstairs, without any intention to talk to her.

Qiao Yiyi: ...

It seems that she is apathetic.

She simply went upstairs by herself. When she arrived in her bedroom, she picked up her mobile phone and computer. After tapping her finger on the computer quickly, a chat window appeared.

She typed on it:

[One one: In? 】

The other party responded quickly and immediately replied:

[Second: Yes, always. How's your time going? Didn't you say you're settled, will you contact me? 】

[11: Recently, it's not safe. Do something for me. 】

[Second: You said. 】

[11: You go check it for me. How much money does Qiao's family have now? 】

[Second: This, I have already checked it for you. The Qiao family don't have much money now. The only house they live in is the one they live in now. By the way, your younger brother is really a prodigal master. Qiao's house, there is a shell in it, but in fact nothing. 】

nothing left?

Joe felt ridiculous.

At that time, after Joe married his mother, he failed to do business and wanted to find his mother for a sum of money to survive the crisis in the company. However, at that time, the mother was on the cusp and the funds in his hand would attract outside attention. No money.

At that time, Father Qiao actually believed, and turned to find Qiao Gang's mother.

It can be said that Dad Joe at that time gave up his mother because of money.

When her mother mentioned something to her at that time, she couldn't help but sneer, "He is a blind white wolf. My money is enough for his ten companies. He gave up for so little money. I, however, also lost it, let me see his true face, otherwise, I will tell him my secret later, I'm afraid he can't keep me secret at all! "

She learned from her mother's ability, and her mother's wealth is very rich, and now she has the money.

Therefore, Father Joe never knew what he had lost when he gave up his mother.

Thinking of this, Qiao evoked a ridiculous smile one by one, so why is Papa Qiao so embarrassed today?

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