You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 1680: Qiao Yiyi (10)

Accidentally hurt her waist ...

This is simply too ambiguous.

Liang Liang who listened couldn't help but looked at Lu Nanze with abusive eyes.

Lu Nanze's face was indifferent, but Qiao Yi couldn't help but scolded his mother!

But she immediately lowered her head, looking ashamed to look up.

At this time, the doctor stepped forward, "Mrs. Lu, please sit down. I'll touch the bones on your waist and check it for you."

The waist is not far from the ribs, how can he let him touch it?

Joe shook hands nervously, "No more, no more."

The doctor froze.

Qiao explained with a flushed face: "I, I'm fine, really fine ..."

Lu Nanze turned his head, "What's the cost, let you check and check. There is something really wrong. If you check again, who's to blame?"

Qiao listened one by one, immediately flushed his eyes, lowered his head, and squeezed his clothes in a pinch. "I, I ... My mother said, you can't let other men look at my body ..."

After she said this, she couldn't help but make a crying look, and that look, Lu Nanze was particularly upset.

How could this person cry at every turn? What did she do?

It's just too cowardly.

He frowned, annoyingly about to say something, but Liang Liang fluttered and laughed.

"Mr. Lu, did your wife marry from ancient times? Why is it so ... it makes me feel funny!"

Funny your sister is so funny!

Joe couldn't help but clenched his fists one by one, anxiously rushing to punch the man.

But she still lowered her head.

Lu Nanze couldn't order her explicitly, and when he looked cold, he said directly, "Don't check if you don't want to check!"

After speaking, I stood up and went upstairs.

He didn't give Joe one by one face.

Qiao stood there one by one, looking at his back, and froze, thinking that Liang Liang and Bai An'an were still behind. Qiao dropped his head immediately, tears in his eyes, turned back, and made a pair Cowardly look scared.

Liang Liang was also boring to look at. He looked at Bai Anan and immediately he stood up, "Let's go."

Bai An An immediately nodded, then a landlord gave Liang Liang an arm, "Lang, let's go."

Joe froze for a moment.

A pair of eyes stuck tightly to the arm Liang Liang and Bai Anan supported each other.

She clenched her fists, and there was still some uncomfortableness deep in her heart!

She had thought that she had forgotten her past and attacked her heart so violently that she couldn't bear a soreness in her eyes. She was really close to tears.

It turns out ... the two of them really are together.

"Mrs. Lu, Mrs. Lu?" Qiao Yi was shouted by the family doctor, turned his head to look at the family doctor, and saw him say: "Are you all right?"

Liang Liang in front seemed to hear the sound and turned back in doubt.

Qiao immediately made a look of fear. "Just now, is Mr. Lu angry?"

family doctor:……

Liang Liang: ...

Qiao continued to lower his head one by one, looking scared and crying: "What should I do if Mr. Lu is angry? What should I do? My mother really taught me not to let other men touch me ... I It wasn't intentional, I ... I ... ohh ... "

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