You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 1766: Inexplicable (6)

Before I finished speaking, I suddenly heard a surprised voice not far away, "What's the matter with you? Officer Sergeant, you are too close to Mrs. Lu! I came over from here and saw your pair Looks sloppy, I don't know, I thought you were male and female friends! "

Along with this remark, everyone swept their heads together, and saw a very beautiful lady dressed up. When her eyes fell on Lu Qingqing, she obviously brought her toes.

As soon as Joe saw the man, he frowned.

Who is this guy?

Why talk so much.

Just now, if someone who did n’t know heard it, I thought what happened to her and Liang Liang!

In fact, they just talked for two words!

At this moment, it was definitely not the time when she could speak, so she could only hold herself down, and thought that she was going to be trained again. With the degree of dislike of Lu Qingqing, she would definitely scold her, but never thought Lu Qingqing sneered, "I said Zhang Minting, what kind of look do you have, our family will report to Police Officer one by one, and you can all look like you imagined it, really ... Is it any man on the street? Talking to a woman, the relationship is not normal, what are your thoughts! "

Zhang Minting was furious: "Lu Qingqing, what do you mean to you!"

"That's literally! Zhang Minting, I said you don't take a bite here, it's stink! What we say is straight, sitting straight, and Officer Liang is even better known Police, don't think of them like you! "

Lu Qingqing arrogantly opened his mouth, which made Qiao look up incredibly, looking at Lu Qingqing.

Didn't Lu Qingqing always hate her the most?

Why did she speak for her at this moment?

But ... for a moment, Joe suddenly understood one by one.

She is now the wife of the Lu family. If it is really unpleasant to be passed on by others, then the interests of the Lu family will be harmed!

Therefore, it is not her who maintains Lu Qingqing, but the Lu family!

But ... even if it is, this friendship, she Qiao one by one.

At this moment, if I look back at this moment, I find that Lu Qingqing looks a bit like Lu Nanze, but Lu Nanze looks good. When he grows up on Lu Qingqing's face, he has a little more British spirit and a little grace, so Lu Looking at the sunny day, like a man.

However, although this female man said that his temper was going straight, and he was doing things casually, he was really a smart man!

When should I do what? It's clear!

Zhang Minting said that Lu Qingqing was lame and stomped angrily, "You, do n’t let the dog take the mouse for nosy affairs! You are all old girls married by the Lu family. They always run to the Lu family. You said, yes It ’s not because Lu Nanze has no children, so he counts on the property of the Lu family? "

Lu Qingqing sneered, "The Lu family is my mother's family. What happened to my family? I said Zhang Minting, you really should live in ancient times. You always use those old ideas to measure others. It's time to be brainwashed by the new society! Now, what do I think, it is our Lu family thing! I am so surnamed Lu, what about you? No matter what you do! "

Zhang Minting was so speechless that she stomped after a while and looked at the ward. "I'm in the hospital. I just heard that something happened to Nanze, so come and see! Huh, I already gave Tingting called and she will come to see Nanze this afternoon! "

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