You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 1822: Dear, that's not love (2)

As soon as Qiao stood there, when he stunned God, he saw that the doctors had controlled Liang Liang.

It seemed that he had been given a sedative, and Liang Liang calmed down and continued to lie on the bed.

Bai Anan asked the doctor nervously: "Doctor, what is his injury?"

The doctor sighed. "Continue to observe, if there is no fever today or tomorrow, then there should be no problem."

Bai Anan froze. "Fever?"

The doctor nodded. "To make sure the wound is not infected, keep an eye on his temperature changes."

Bai Anan nodded.

Then the doctors went out.

Bai Anan sat on the sofa next to him, staring at the person in the hospital bed.

Joe stood by one by one.

She still felt that her current mood was a bit wrong.

But she shook her head without letting her continue thinking.

She went to the bed and observed Liang Liang's wound.

Then he sat in a chair by the bed and guarded him.

Qiao stared at Liang Liang who had fallen asleep. His facial features were actually pretty good. She thought he was handsome before.

But now ... I do n’t know why, suddenly Lu Nanze ’s demon face appeared inexplicably, and she suddenly thought, if Lu Nanze knew that he was using him to compare with Liang Liang, he would sneer, Then the evil charm said, "How can he compare with me?"

When she thought about it, she pursed her lips and laughed.

But as soon as the smile came out, she immediately felt that something was wrong, and immediately lifted her smile.

Liang Liang is still sick, how can she think of others here?

She continued to stare at Liang Liang.

After Liang Liang slept peacefully for several hours, he started tossing again.

His hands were waving in the air, yelling invisible names.

The doctor and nurse rushed over, and the doctor was a little embarrassed: "Sedatives cannot be hit so often. What can I do now?"

Looking at Liang Liang's appearance, Bai Anan couldn't help but yell: "Liang Liang, wake up and you! You are hurt like this, and you are still thinking about her! But do you know? You are often injured and dying I have released the news! She has never seen you at all! You wake you up ... "

Bai An'an scolded and scolded, then red eyes and cried.

She was feeling wronged for herself.

She loves Liang Liang so much, and she likes Liang Liang so much, but why Liang Liang can't forget it ... but her crying not only did not make Liang Liang better, but made him even more nervous. " No trace, she's here, you run away! "

Bai An'an looked at Liang Liang in shock, covered her chest only after half a ring, and suddenly strode out of the ward!

Liang Liang is in danger. If he can't calm down, I am afraid it will involve the wound.

As soon as Joe looked at him, he heard the nurse and doctor say, "Who the **** is he calling? Hurry up and let that person come and see him. You must appease the sick!"

Qiao heard these words one by one and turned to look outside. Bai Anan was sitting on the bench in the hallway and wept, not paying attention to the ward.

She narrowed her eyes, walked to the bed, and then leaned into Liang Liang's ears, no longer deliberately pressing her throat, and speaking with a traceless voice: "Liang Liang, I am here."

In a word, Liang quieted quietly. He reached out and grabbed Qiao's hand, shouting: "No trace, don't go!"

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