You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 1828: Dear, that's not love (8)

When the steward heard this, he was aggressive.

After the wife and husband got married, she did sleep in separate rooms.

Especially when at home, Mr. really doesn't have his wife in his eyes.

The nanny at home, because of this, sometimes despise his wife a lot, as a big housekeeper, these things must be known, but when the gentleman said that, do not treat Miss Qiao as a wife, He didn't interfere too much.

But at this moment, Lu Qingqing's words ... made him feel stupid.

Turning his head, he looked into the ward.

When I saw my wife didn't know what to say, the gentleman suddenly showed a look of dissatisfaction, but he was restrained, his jaw was stretched, and there was no seizure.

That look shocked the housekeeper again.

Sir has always been fierce, never wronged, when did it turn into this picture?

He twitched his lips and said nothing.

But for the first time, I felt that my wife might not be as useless as he imagined.

At least now, sir is eating in her hands!

While thinking about it, I heard Lu Qingqing say, "I used to think that this one Joe could not get on the table one by one, and could not hold Lu Nanze's heart, but now it seems ... This one Joe is OK!"

She dragged her chin, then suddenly waved to the housekeeper: "I said, you need to help me ..."

The steward immediately waved his hand. "No, I don't dare ... I can't betray Mr ...."

Lu Qingqing looked at him, hated iron without steel, "What betrayed him! We are for him! Look at him now, can a woman like No Trace be touched? I tell you, No Trace Although it is affectionate and righteous, in the end, Qiao Yiyi is his wife. When he does this, he is sorry for Qiao Yiyi! I don't look down on Markless ... Markless is also a legend. I just think we should set things right. Qiao Yiyi is a regular wife of Lu Nanze. They are a match made in heaven ... Lu Nanze is like this now. If he cannot be with him one by one, his heart will definitely not settle ... The best way is to two Personal fakes are really done, preferably with a child ... "

The steward had a bitter face before he finished speaking, "Aunt Grandma! You are the husband's aunt, it must be okay, but after the incident, I, the steward, don't want to do it! I'm really busy. ... "

Lu Qingqing grabbed the wrist of the housekeeper directly, "What do you think I want you to do? I don't mean to let you do anything bad, just at the critical moment, you can do it for me."


The housekeeper coughed. "Really, wouldn't I let me do anything else? Is it a convenient character?"

"Yes, it's convenient. How could I pit you!"


The steward was dubious, glanced back, and found that the wife was with the gentleman. The two were really company. Lang Cai was a beautiful girl. He looked heart-pleasing and nodded.

In the ward, Lu Nanze and Qiao certainly did not know the calculations and ideas of outsiders.

After Qiao Yi massaged Lu Nanze, although Lu Nanze's regression did not completely eliminate the pain, he finally relieved the pain and could tolerate it.

Joe moved his sore shoulders one by one, then stood up, "Well, if it's okay, I'll see Officer Liang Liang."

PS: The rest will be updated later.

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