You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 1838: Dear, that's not love (18)

After signing the letter, Liang Liang and Father Liang stared at the door of the operating room.

At this time, Bai Anan adjusted her emotions and came over again. After seeing Liang Liang, she took a step forward and said, "Liang, don't be nervous. I have found the best doctor, my aunt must not Problem, I ... "

Without finishing his words, he originally intended to hold Liang Liang's hand, but was pushed hard by him.

Bai Anan took a step back and stood a little unstable. She looked at Liang Liang in shock, and heard Liang Liang say, "Nothing will happen? What do you know? I just signed the notice of illness! "

In a word, Bai An's eyes widened anxiously, and she stared at the door of the operating room. "This, this ..."


Why is it so fragile? !!

At this time, Liang Liang's mother must not die! Otherwise, her sin would be great!

In the expectation of a few people who are sincere or have their own thoughts, another two hours later, the door of the operating room was finally opened, and the doctor came out with a heavy step and exhaled a long breath. "The patient is temporarily out of danger. He can now be transferred to the ward and continue to observe."

Hearing the words of being out of danger for a while, Liang Liang and Liang Liang's father both felt their legs soft.

They glanced at each other, and they were silently relieved in their hearts.

Then she saw Liang Liang's mother pushed out, and a large group of people sent Liang Liang's mother to the intensive care unit.

Liang Liang was relieved. He sat on the chair with one buttock, and the whole person was softened.

For a while, Liang Liang, Liang Liang, and Liang Liang's mother were admitted to the hospital. Liang Liang's father became the only healthy person.

That look was miserable.

Every time Joe looked, he felt sour.

Fortunately, their family has the money to hire a caregiver, otherwise, Liang Liang's father will be busy.

The situation on Liang Liang's side has improved, and Joe doesn't have to stay here one by one.

She stood up, and said to Liang Liang, who was already on the hospital bed and looked weak, "You should be fine, then I'll go."

Liang Liang suddenly called her, "Wait a minute."

Qiao stood still, looking at Liang Liang doubtfully, Liang Liang sighed, "Don't forget, I'll let you bring invisible words."

Joe nodded.

She turned around and was about to leave, but the door of the ward was suddenly opened, and a group of policemen came in.

"Liang, we're here for you!"

With the great voice, Liang Liang's colleagues rushed in.

Joe hid in the corner one by one, planning to go out.

However, she did not expect that when she was about to leave, she saw a middle-aged man come in.

Joe walked step by step, staring at the man.

This man is not someone else, it is Bai Anan's father, Director Bai!

But why did he come to the hospital?

As I was thinking, I heard Director Bai step forward, "There are a lot of things in the police station. It is also here that I finally took the time to see you. How is your health?"

Liang Liang saw Director Bai with a look of embarrassment on his face.

What he wanted to say, Director Bai frowned suddenly. "Where is my in-law? I heard that my in-law's mother is sick, so let's take a look at it, where are they now?"

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