You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 1851: Perhaps she fell in love with him (11)

As soon as these thoughts appeared, she suddenly felt that there was something warm in her heart.

It turned out that Lu Nanze had been protecting her so much when she didn't know.

When he went to see Liang Liang himself, he didn't feel comfortable following it. At the moment when the bullet came over, he pushed her away to protect her ... Now, knowing that maybe there is no trace, Liang Liang will come to see him and know Bai An'an's layout The trap came down, waiting for her to drill, so I specially arranged someone to meet her here ...

How thoughtful he is for her!

Joe took a deep breath, and his original wandering heart suddenly settled down.

A man can even die for you, isn't that enough to say?

She lowered her eyes, followed the man, shuttled through the hospital, and soon came outside the hospital.

The man said, "The police are in the hospital now. Mr. Lu asked me to pass a word to you. Liang Liang can't die. He will help you stare. Don't ask you to come again."

Joe heard these words one by one and nodded.

Then quickly turned around and left.

She now wants to see Lu Nanze.

I really want to give him a hug.

Can't wait.

However, the man standing behind looked at her decisive look, looking a little weird.

The husband cares so much about traces, but traces know that he is hospitalized, so why not ask a word?

Anyway, how about your recovery, sir?


Qiao changed his clothes one by one and ran to Lu Nanze's ward.

Her pace was a bit quick, and she wanted to see Lu Nanze right away.

However, when she stood at the door of the ward, she saw an uninvited guest, Li Tingting.

Li Tingting was in the ward, warming himself to Lu Nanze, "Second brother, how are your legs now?"

"Second Brother, are you thirsty?"

"Second Brother, do you want to eat?"

"Second Brother, either I'll turn on the TV for you and watch TV for a while?"

Unfortunately, Lu Nanze always ignored her.


"Second Brother, I called Qiao Lian yesterday. She was very concerned about your legs and asked me how you were doing, how could I answer!"

This remark ended, and Lu Nanze finally reacted and turned to look at her.

Li Tingting opened his eyes wide and heard Lu Nanze say, "You tell her, I'm fine."

Li Tingting nodded, "Okay, I'll call her tonight to say this, that, second brother, do you have anything else to tell her?"

Lu Nanze looked down. "Let her take care of her body and stop thinking about it."

Li Tingting continued to nod. "Qiao Lian gave birth to a child and is now confinement. But when she gave birth, she saved a lot and lost a little blood, so I heard that Mr. Shen bought her a lot of nutrients."

When Lu Nanze heard this, he nodded: "How is she recovering now?"

"Very good. At the beginning, I could n’t go down. I can walk around a few times now, but when I called her, she was still weak. Listen to her. The doctor said that at least these five years, Second child, otherwise, it is bad for the body. "

Lu Nanze nodded again.

Li Tingting picked up a glass of water from the side and gave it to him.

Because Lu Nanze was thinking about something else and didn't pay attention, he reached out and took a sip.

Li Tingting stood up, "Second Brother, I see you are sweating. Let me wipe your body."

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