You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 1871: She is crazy for love (11)

Joe said one by one: "No."

The thumper immediately stretched out her hand, "snap" against her face, and hit him!

This slap made Joe feel half of his face numb one by one.

There was also a sweet smell in her mouth, which opened her mouth and spit out blood.

The masks on the face were beaten a little.

But no one in this family was interested in the face under her mask, just staring at her.

Joe knelt on the ground one by one, his cheeks swollen, and the whole man was terrified.

She was shaking with both hands. The pain in her whole body seemed to be unable to exert her strength, but she still grabbed the ginseng with her hands, just not let go.

At this time, the stubbornness in the bones appeared.

For this ginseng, this step has already been reached, and she will not hand it over if she is dead!

She narrowed her eyes and stared at the ground.

The thug stepped forward again, "Give or not?"

Joe didn't speak one by one, but looked at the thug firmly.

Immediately the boxer narrowed his eyes and immediately started punching and kicking!

Joe stretched his arms one by one, blocked his head, and hid the ginseng around his waist, without saying a word.

She felt that all the bones in her body were broken.

But thinking of Lu Nanze lying on the bed, thinking of his pale face and whitish lips, thinking of the doctor saying that his loss was too serious and he needed to make up for it.

She became more and more confident.

As long as this group of people does not kill her, she will not be able to hand over the ginseng!

She punched and punched her, making her feel that her internal organs seemed to be beaten and moved. Just when she thought she was going to die here, she suddenly heard a clear voice, and her expensive voice came over: "Enough Now. "

Along with this sentence, the beater sharply retracted his fist and then said respectfully: "Sir."

Joe shivered one by one, at this time she had no energy at all.

She slowly looked up and saw the man standing not far from her.

Because he was facing away from Moonlight, he could not see his face at all, but could feel the kind of oppression released from this person.

Without talking, she heard the man slowly say, "Leave ginseng, let her go."

The steward froze, but he did not dare to question the man's order, and bowed his head, "Yes, sir."

Then he took a step forward and came to Qiao Yiyi. He squatted down and lowered his head to persuade him, "Let ’s take your luck today and not disturb our lady ... Sir, for your part, I let you go, and quickly dropped the ginseng and left Well, we know you have a holiday with Bai Anan, otherwise you will be sent to the police station, and you are really over! "

The steward's words were accompanied by persuasion, and he could be regarded as seeing it. This mark is a cruel character.

Sure enough, when the words fell, I saw Ginseng clutched in his hands without a trace, and bowed his head, "Unless I'm killed, I won't let go."

She didn't have any energy to speak, but she said it word by word.

The steward heard this and sighed.

The people around were silent for a while.

Everyone has a bit of admiration for such hard bones.

The housekeeper turned back and looked at the male master of the house.

Mr. Xu stared at her for a long time, then spoke slowly after half a ring: "Let her go."

The housekeeper froze.

The people around me were stunned.

Just like that ... let her go?

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