You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 1878: She is crazy for love (18)

She didn't dare to think too much, she didn't dare to think deeply, but she felt a little flustered in her heart, always feeling that there was something bad in the future, waiting for her.

She lowered her head, pondered for a moment, and then felt her arm tight, and turned to see Lu Qingqing looking at her, "... Did I hear what you just said?"

Qiao Yiyi: ...

Joe shook his head one by one.

Lu Qingqing couldn't help frowning, "You are really ... I'll tell you, this scene is nothing, don't be nervous, you stand there with a smile and someone speaks to you , Just laugh and don't worry about anything else. "

Joe heard these words one by one and nodded: "Oh."

"Don't be nervous."

"I'm not nervous."

"Don't be stubborn. I know it will be a bit nervous for the first time. You just laugh."

Qiao Yiyi: ... she is really not nervous!

What is this little scene?

She has seen scenes bigger than this one!

Joe drew his lips one by one, and then immediately laughed.

Just admit that you are nervous.

Lu Qingqing saw her smirking and not talking, sighed, and dragged her to the banquet. "What did you do a few days ago? Why can't I find you anywhere!"

Joe thought about it one by one, then pointed to the front and asked, "Aunt, who is that? I think he smiled at us ..."

Lu Qingqing was successfully diverted, "Oh, that, that's ..."

Joe breathed a sigh of relief and entered the banquet with the landing sunny day.

Everyone knows that Lu Nanze was injured and was hospitalized, so there was no embarrassment for Qiao.

It ’s just that the Lu family ’s power in Suzhou is very strong, so everyone gives Qiao a face. Men ca n’t come to do public relations, so they send their wives. For a time, Qiao Yiyi and Lu Qingqing surrounded a group of rich wives. door.

This group of people is a master of chat, but it won't make Joe feel embarrassed.

Qiao was impatient to entertain with them, so he just said as Lu Qingqing and kept smiling all the way.

Even if this is the case, it can be seen that Joe is different in temperament at this moment. Standing there, he can hold the audience.

That look made Lu Qingqing very satisfied.

In private, he also told the housekeeper, "... I thought this Joe would be nervous for a while, but I was so angry, I didn't expect to be so sullen. Standing there, I can fool people!"

The housekeeper nodded.

Qiao became a template one by one. Standing there, laughing and listening to them talking, suddenly remembered Lu Nanze in his head.

I wonder how Lu Nanze is in the hospital alone now?

Wake up?

When I saw him yesterday, his face was still a little pale, today's look ...

Thinking for a while, unconsciously, her eyes stared blankly at the chest of a woman in front of her.

The woman had a necklace on her chest with a gemstone hanging on it.

Joe stared at the gem one by one, thinking fascinated.

But that look, in the eyes of others, became ...

Someone couldn't help smirking, and then asked Qiao Yiyi: "Mrs. Lu?"

Joe came back to this one by one.

At this moment, a cute voice passed over, "Everyone should be more tolerant. After all, my second wife is not from a big family ... I have never seen such a big gem."

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