You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 1890: She is crazy for love (30)

"We were busy for that task for two months. The final stealing plan was arranged by her. It was seamless. She tried hard for this opportunity, but in the end, it was because of me and because of Bai Anan's jealousy. Has caused such a consequence ... Her mother, to save her, has not been alive yet, and she has been hunted by our police for almost half a year. I just think about it, in this half a year, she looks like a Like a mouse, we are forced to live in the dark, and I feel sad, in the final analysis, I am sorry for her, I am not good for her. And now, the only thing I can do for her is that. "

Qiao listened to Liang Liang's words one by one, and his heart was somewhat moved.

It was her obsession and irrationality that caused her mother to end now.

In fact, Liang Liang cannot be blamed alone for these things.

It was her own reconciliation, that was why she wanted black to white.

The thief and the police are natural enemies. How did she get so enamored that she had to believe a policeman?

When Joe was in a daze, he heard Liang Liang say, "So you can't trouble me about this today. I know, it's impossible between me and Incognito. This is my only thing. Yes, the last thing I can do for her. "

Joe stared at him one by one. "What did you do for her?"

Liang Liang was silent for a while before he said, "I married Bai Anan, and the police increased her as a non-staff. Since then, I no longer have to evade the police's pursuit, and never have to live like a mouse in the dark. . "

Qiao was blindfolded one by one. She never expected that Liang Liang would do these things for her.

It is her wish to become a fair and upright citizen, and it is her ideal to be able to live in the sun, unbridled.

And now, these are about to be realized.

Is it worth the price to sacrifice Liang Liang's marriage?

She stared at Liang Liang, for a while she was speechless.

Liang Liang saw her eyes and explained with a bitter smile: "In my life, I can't like other people anymore. I'm married to anyone else, Bai Anan ... Anyway, I have known her for so many years. , To me, it's just a futility. "

Liang Liang said here, opened the door, went to the other side, and opened the door for Joe one by one. "Well, Mrs. Lu, the truth has told you, can you keep a secret for me?"

Qiao sat in the front passenger seat one by one, listening to Liang Liang's words, and glanced at him.

She paused, squeezed her lips, and then said, "Do you know that you are acting stupid?"

Liang Liang froze.

Joe sneered one by one, "You think you sacrificed your happiness and fulfilled others. Do you think that you can make traceless happy for a lifetime? She will know this sooner or later until she knows How will she feel in the future? "

Liang Liang stretched his chin.

Joe stepped out of the car and looked at him. "Shenzhen wants freedom, but she doesn't get the freedom she wants! Liang Liang, do you know what you are doing!"

"If I were invisible, I would think that you are using this method to make her restless forever!"

ps: A friend came today and wrote 2,000 sons on the way to the airport to pick her up. The rest will be more when I come back at night. What, what!

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