You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 1894: She is crazy for love (34)

Qiao Yiyi?

Joe shivered one by one, but he reacted the next moment!

This is the one who got engaged with Lu Nanze, so that Lu Nanze couldn't help it. In the end, he had to find a person with the same name and the same name, Qiao Yiyi.

But how did she become like this?

Aren't she in prison?

Joe bit his lips one by one and stared at her in shock, unable to believe it for a while.

Qiao Yiyi smiled, struggling to do it.

The nurse immediately said, "You can't do it ..."

Qiao Yiyi looked at the nurse, "Can you live without doing it?"

The nurse was afraid to speak immediately.

Yeah, this man can't live anyway.

There is a lot of bleeding due to labor and it can't be stopped now unless the uterus is removed.

But this woman does not want to live now, so life and death are not signed on the operation list, waiting for her, only death.

Qiao Yiyi didn't care about this at all, instead she looked at Qiao Yiyi and said, "You should know who I am?"

Qiao looked at her one by one, "What are you doing to me?"

Qiao Yiyi laughed.

She stared at Qiao Yiyi, "Looking at you, it seems to be a happy life with Lu Nanze?"

Joe frowned, one by one.

Qiao Yiyi couldn't help squinting his eyes, and said, "I call you, not for anything else, but before I die, there is something I want to tell you."

Joe stared at her one by one. "I don't think you can say these things."

Qiao Yiyi shook his head. "As the saying goes, people are going to die, and their words are good. I want to tell you, because I don't want to see you lose heart, lose your body, and end up like me!"

Joe frowned one by one.

Qiao Yiyi lowered his eyes, "I urge you, in this life, don't worry about Lu Nanze."

"Because his heart is made of stone, in this world, only Qiao Lian has ever walked into his heart. In his heart, only Qiao Lian, you can never replace Qiao Lian in his heart ... even It can be said that if you want to occupy one tenth of his entire heart, he will not give it to you. "

"After Qiao Lian got married, he was a heartless man."

After Qiao Yiyi said these words, he pointed directly at the little baby next to him and said, "Have you seen this? This is his son, but he never acknowledged it. I gave birth and called him. He never came. ... he's such a heart of stone! "

Qiao Yiyi said here, could not help tears in his eyes, "I hate him ... I hate him for a lifetime ... What I did wrong, I just love him, love him ..."

"But ... he did this to me ..."

When she said that, her spirit was a little bit distracted, like the words just now, all of which were spoken in retrospect.

Joe stared at her in shock, and watched her slowly closed her eyes, tears still in her eyes.

The last word she said in this world was, "I urge you, don't try."

When she said this, she looked sad.

Compared with the time of death, they are all unwilling.

Qiao stood in the operating room one by one and looked at Qiao Yiyi.

What it feels like I can't say in my heart.

She looked at this, loved a woman who had been crazy for a lifetime, watched her go to the end, watched her close her eyes, and her ears were saying, "In his heart, Joe has never been alone."

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