You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 1902: Let's divorce (2)

She paused at the entrance for a while before putting down her phone.

Shouting Lu Qingqing to do?

Lu Qingqing came, at most, to watch Lu Nanze not to bully her.

But now ... but the housekeeper thought, would she still be bullied by Lu Nanze obediently?

As soon as Joe thought about it, he bowed his head and sneered.

She was really dizzy and couldn't move.

So he simply called a car to pick her up.

In the car, the taxi driver stared at her several times, and she stopped talking. Joe thought to herself, was her face so ugly?

Thinking of this, she took out her makeup bag rarely, and then added a make-up to herself to make her look much better.

Then I leaned on the car and fell asleep.

I don't know how long it took before the car arrived at the hospital. When she got up and got off the car, she slipped under her feet. After a while turning, she stood straight.

She carried her bag and walked into the hospital ward.

When entering the elevator, there was still a little panic.

She took a deep breath and drank a few more sips of water, which suppressed the nausea and dizziness in her heart.

Then it was so difficult, step by step to the door of the ward.

She stood at the door and refreshed, and then pretended to open the door normally.

She walked in slowly, but as soon as she took a step, she was stunned.

She looked up and stared at the person who suddenly appeared in the room.

The man, wearing a black suit, looked like a staff member, was sitting on the sofa, saw her enter the door, immediately stood up, nodded politely to her, and then continued to sit on the sofa, " Hello Mrs. Lu. "

Qiao frowned one by one, looking at Lu Nanze for unknown reasons.

Lu Nanze on the bed, with a dignified face, didn't know what he was thinking, didn't look at her, as if disdain to look at her, and as if he didn't dare to look at her.

Joe turned back one by one and looked at the talking man.

When the man saw Lu Nanze not talking, he had to introduce himself: "Mrs. Lu, this is the case. I am Mr. Lu's personal lawyer. I want to discuss with you, you two ... about the divorce."

divorce? !!

Joe shrinks his eyes one by one!

She turned her head sharply and looked at Lu Nanze again.

But when he saw Lu Nanze sitting on the bed like this, he said nothing, still looking at the distance.

Joe felt that his heart was held by an invisible large hand, making her feel a dull pain.

She never thought that Lu Nanze called her to the hospital in such an anxiety, and even if she had some problems walking now, she ran over because she was worried about his body, but the result was to find a lawyer and talk to her Talking about divorce?

Her wrong look caused the lawyer to frown, but immediately, the lawyer stretched his expression, then glanced at Lu Nanze, and continued to say, "Yes, Mr. Lu wants to negotiate a divorce with you. He said that you proposed Any condition is fine, so can we sit down and discuss it now? "

He pointed to the opposite location and said to Qiao one by one: "Today, we brought a template for a divorce agreement. If you are satisfied with the compensation Mr. Lu made to you, then please leave a blank space here. , Sign it. "

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