You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 1906: Let's divorce (6)

However, when the lawyer was stopped, he found out that he actually had some ... he couldn't bear Joe one by one.

Unconsciously, Qiao Yi's look flashed in his mind, and he frowned, and could only drive the lawyer away impatiently.

How could he not bear Joe one by one?

I'm so sorry, no trace.

Thinking of this, Lu Nanze took a deep breath, then lowered his head, looking at the last gift Qiao gave him one by one.

He reached out his hand and picked up the gift.

It was a small, ordinary box. I didn't know what was in it. It was light, as if it had no weight.

He raised his arms in his arms, then stared at the gift and started to stay.

This is a breakup gift from Joe one by one ...

Qiao Yi didn't know at all. He would ask her for a divorce today, so this gift must not be a breakup gift, or maybe a gift she gave herself?

What will this gift be?

When he thought of it, he picked up the box and was ready to open it.

Opening the first lid, he hadn't lifted the second one, but stopped again.

In fact, what gifts did Joe give him one by one, is it worth him to see?

What should I do if I feel even more reluctant to Qiao?

He has now discovered that in his heart, there is both Qiao Yiyi and No Mark, so he will kick out Qiao Yi one by one and no longer have any illusions.

He thought about it and lowered his eyes.

At the same time, the housekeeper sent the lawyer away and just walked in again.

Seeing Lu Nanze staring at a broken box in a daze, he stepped forward, "Sir?"

Lu Nanze immediately threw the box to the housekeeper and "put it down for me."

The steward froze and looked down at the box. "This is ..."

"It doesn't matter what it is, the important thing is, I don't want to see it, you just leave it on the shelf."

The housekeeper was puzzled, but never disobeyed Lu Nanze's order, so he nodded, and then went out with the gift.

When the housekeeper left, Lu Nanze leaned on the bed and stared blankly forward.

He tried not to let himself think about the divorce between him and Joe one by one, and his mind began to flash the things in the company today, one by one ...

After a while, I heard the door was opened, and the guard came in, "Sir, would you like it?"

Lu Nanze frowned and felt his body. He subconsciously said, "Let my wife help me ..."

He didn't finish talking, and suddenly thought of something, he stopped the topic immediately.

He frowned, and didn't talk anymore, but reached out his hand and went to the bathroom with the help of a caregiver.

Why he remembered Joe one by one again, this is not a good sign.

But ... Qiao just left, it is possible that he is not used to life.

So, it's nothing.

Thinking of this, Lu Nanze was relieved.

Entering the bathroom, he put his hands on his pants, and then continued to subconsciously said, "Turn his head."

When these words fell, I felt the people around me froze.

He turned his head and saw the caregiver look at him in surprise.

The nurse has changed to a man, so there is no need to avoid it.

But since Mr. Lu asked so, he simply turned his head.

But when Lu Nanze saw the male caregiver, he suddenly froze again.

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