You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 1909: Let's divorce (9)

After Lu Nanze scolded this sentence, he frowned and couldn't help taking a deep breath.

I don't know how long it took before he said, "How do you know Liang Liang that I divorced Qiao one by one?"

When this word came down, he knew what was going on: "The lawyer certainly didn't say that my people would not spread such gossip, so Joe told him one by one?"

"When did they become so familiar ?!"

"This Liang Liang, do you know there is a saying that friends and wives should not be deceived!"

"You said ... is there a close relationship between the two of them? Such a thing, Joe will tell him one by one? And why did he fight for Joe one by one?"

Lu Nanze has always been a person with few words. At this moment Barabara said so much, and said that he was extremely imbalanced, but at the same time felt that he was just a neurosis. What are you doing here?

He frowned immediately, waved his hand, and then said, "I'm ridiculous. What are you doing here?"

With that said, he lowered his head and continued processing the file.

When the housekeeper saw that Lu Nanze was getting better, he stopped talking and instead turned around. When he was about to leave, he suddenly heard Lu Nanze's voice behind him, "You said, am I really doing too much?"

The housekeeper froze.

He turned back and looked at Lu Nanze in doubt.

I saw Lu Nanze looked up, "I'm a bit sorry for Qiao Yiyi when I do this?"


Mr. Lu, who had always been cruel and ruthless, was a compulsion to Miss Qiao Lian at that time, and now he was suddenly rethinking himself here, so that he only felt a strange sense of violation.

He twitched the corner of his mouth, then couldn't help but coughed, and lowered his head: "Maybe ... it seems like a bit of a bit?"

After this remark, Lu Nanze raised his head and looked sharply at him.

The steward immediately waved his hand, "No, after all, you gave your wife ... Miss Qiao's so much money, it was considered compensation."

But he didn't expect the words to fall, and Lu Nanze was even more angry. "Is giving money just compensation ?! Is there something that money can compensate for?"


So sir, are you going to let me talk about compensation, or do you really owe Miss Qiao? !!

Butler is hard to do!

He twitched his lips, then lowered his head, "Yes, yes, Mr. Lu, you are right."

"Yeah!" Lu Nanze cursed. "You know you are in line with others. You never have your own ideas! Well, you go out!"


The steward was inexplicably sprayed, but who told him to be Mr. Lu? Had to go out.

When he got to the ordinary, he heard Lu Nanze say, "Come back."

The steward stood still and looked back, "Sir, what else do you command?"

"You're looking for someone to go to Qiao's house and see, how is Qiao Yiyi now?"

The steward snapped, "Ah? Is it going in the name of Mr.?"

Lu Nanze immediately stretched out his hand and pointed at him, "You're stupid! Of course not! I have divorced her, what if she knows it, what if she comes back to entangle?

The steward twitched her lips, thinking to myself, you also know that you divorced her!

Then you go to see a woolen yarn!

But he couldn't say anything, he could only endure this tone in silence, then nodded, "Yes, sir."

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