You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 1923: See you in five years (3)

After all these words, Joe put on high heels and went out.

Walked to the door, but suddenly heard the voice behind him: "Okay, I know Mom, I wish you well."

Qiao didn't feel ecstatic one by one, but frowned, and then turned back, "Kacha, you are a bit strange today!"

This child, flexible from a young age, rarely has such a good time.

So ... there must be monsters when things go wrong, and this guy must be planning a big conspiracy!

Xiao Kaka heard this and immediately blinked his big eyes. The little bald head against which he was set off became very bright.

Xiao Ka Ka shook her head, "No, mother, I just thought, if you can't get an interview, then we should eat grass! Ka Ka doesn't want to eat grass."

Although Qiao did not trust her one by one, the interview time was about to come.

She must hurry off.

So I had to reach out my finger and click a little Kaka, "You wait here obediently when I come back, you know?"

Xiao Ka Ka nodded immediately.

Joe thought about it one by one, and then said again: "Are you sure?"

Xiao Kaka continued to nod.

What did Joe want to say one by one, Xiao Ka Ka handed her cell phone to her, "Mom, your taxi is here, come downstairs quickly."

Helpless, Joe had to go downstairs.

After Qiao left one by one, Xiao Kaka's smart eyes disappeared instantly. Xiao Kaka rubbed her hands excitedly, then went into the bedroom, opened the closet, and flipped inside. After a while, a small backpack came out.

After carrying the small backpack behind him, Xiao Ka Ka walked to the door excitedly, "Ah, Ka Ka is going to find dad ~"

Having said that, I walked to the door, reached out and dragged the door, only to find ...


Why is the door closed?

Xiao Kaka frowned and sighed angrily, "Mom is so bad! Lock me in the hotel!"

But when the words fell, Xiao Kaka raised her head, and she didn't know where to find a steel bar in her hand. "But this is a small case for me who steals the family!"

As the sentence fell, a "click" was heard and the door was opened.

Xiao Ka Ka immediately rushed out, bouncing straight to the elevator.


At this moment, Qiao has been sitting in a taxi to Baihelou.

She opened the makeup bag, took out the liquid foundation, looked in the mirror, and added makeup to make her look more mature and stable.

There was no way, although she had grown tall, but she still looked too young, and she was afraid she couldn't hold her back.

Although ... the other side said that she is back from studying abroad and will definitely be admitted, but she still has to maintain her good image, doesn't she?

Joe threw the cotton pads into the makeup box one by one, and then he looked up and looked forward.

"Girl, Baihelou is here."

The driver master said this.

Joe nodded one by one.

At the same time, a luxurious sedan was tried from their side.

Lu Nanze was sitting on the back seat, just passing by, but at this time, Qiao Yi was looking down to get the change, ready to pay, so the two cars passed by.

Lu Nanze seemed to notice something, looked up, and turned to look at the taxi next to him.

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