You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 1934: My mom is invisible! (4)

"My sir, I hate people crying most. Don't cry, otherwise you will be thrown out."

Xiao Ka Ka immediately closed his mouth and drew a little, his small body, looking at the pitiful extraordinarily.

The steward couldn't help but want to hug him when he saw this picture.

On the other side, the girl stepped forward timidly, watching the steward say, "Uncle, why is your brother crying? Is it because of a leg pain?"

After she said this, she reached out her hand and touched the place where she clicked.

Kaka immediately screamed in pain and wanted to cry, but seemed to think of the words of the housekeeper to scare him, so he immediately cried tears in his eyes, and did not dare to cry.

That look looked even poorer.

The girl retracted her hand nervously, "I, brother, I didn't mean it, don't you cry ... little brother, did your mother come to pick you up?"

There was a tear in his eyes, and his pain turned pale.

The housekeeper saw this picture and sighed.

I don't know how long it took before the sound of the vehicle finally came from the door. Immediately a sports car stopped directly outside the door.

Then, the door of Lu's house was knocked, and the doorbell was still ringing. Someone knocked on the door violently!

Joe shouted one by one: "Open the door! Baby, are you in there? Mother is here to pick you up!"

When the steward heard this, he turned to look at the door.

The little girl took the opportunity and twisted her injured leg injury.

Xiao Ka Ka heard her mother's voice, and was immediately aggrieved again, and suddenly "wow", crying again!

Then he was screwed again, and the cry of Gao Yang was transformed!

Joe heard the cry one by one, and there were screams in it. The whole person was not good. The original knocking on the door immediately turned into a kicking door. When he was in a hurry, he forgot that he would even unlock it. Kicked on the door, "Lu Nanze, you have to open the door to the old woman!"

The housekeeper inside has never heard invisible talk. Although this sound is a bit like a weak wife, but the sound of such a strong voice has not been heard, so I did not recognize it for a while, but I heard that Joe was cursing one by one. , Directly angry, "Where is this person from? First, I used a child to touch the porcelain, and now I come to the door again, and kick the door! A few of you, come with me! I'm going to see what is going on What happened! "

After the steward said this, he led the person directly to the door.

But before taking two steps, I heard the footsteps behind me suddenly.

The butler looked for a moment and turned back to see Lu Nanze rushing to the door like a wind!

"No trace!"

He opened the door directly.

Because the door was anxious to open, Qiao's feet kicked out of Lu Nanze's lap.

Lu Nanze didn't respond at all, but Qiao pushed Lu Nanze one by one and went straight to Kaka.

After seeing Xiao Ka Ka sitting on the sofa with a pitiful look, she rushed up and hugged Xiao Ka into a hug!


"Woohoo, mom!"

Joe was angry one by one, "What's wrong? What's going on on this leg? Who bullied you? The old woman ripped his fart!"

Xiao Ka Ka immediately stretched out her hand and pointed at the little girl next to him: "Yes, it's her ..."

With these words off, Joe turned back violently one by one, shrinking his eyes when he saw that the five-year-old girl bullied Xiao Kaka.

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