You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 1946: She is not my daughter! (6)


Porcelain fell to the ground! Suddenly shattered.

Kaka was dumbfounded!

Such a beautiful doll, she really likes it so much!

But how do you throw Doudou? !!

While wondering, I heard Doudou wow and started crying.

Kaka was blinded again.

He heard the footsteps outside, and immediately Lu Nanze took the housekeeper and walked in.

Kaka turned to look at Lu Nanze, and saw Lu Nanze's eyesight. He made a round in the room, and then fell on the porcelain that had fallen to the ground. His eye pupils shrank, and he asked in a deep voice: "What is going on? ? "

Kaka opened her mouth, and before she opened her mouth, she heard Doudou say, "My brother likes this doll, ohh ..."

Clicking, she saw Lu Nanze looking at her, "Do you like this?"

Kaka nodded stupidly.

She really likes this doll. It is too delicate and very beautiful. Although it is porcelain, it looks like real clothes and she is wearing clothes!

Thinking about this, I heard Doudou say, "My brother likes this thing, ask me, if I don't give it, he smashed it, oh ... Mr. Lu, this is your birthday on my birthday last year. Mine, my brother just broke like that, ohh ... "

Kaka was blinded by the words of Doudou, she immediately shook her head, "I didn't ... not me ..."

Having said that, she stretched out her hand and pointed to Doudou, "It was you who sent me to visit your room, and it was you who destroyed this porcelain doll. It has nothing to do with me, not me!"

Doudou poked his lips, then continued to lower his head and began to cry.

He didn't speak, but the aggrieved look seemed to bully her.

Kaka really had something to say and could not say clearly, but wanted to explain, but found that she had no evidence at all.

What did mom say?

Mom said that when something happened, she couldn't let herself be wronged.

So Kaka was really anxious, and she took a step forward, holding on to Doudou's clothes, "What did you say? You say it again! Who the **** did the porcelain doll!"

Doudou was frightened and snored. He couldn't speak, widened his eyes, and wanted to break away from Kaka's pull, only to find that he wasn't Kaka's opponent at all.

She widened her eyes, then turned to look at Lu Nanze, "I, I ..."

Kaka stared at her, "You said, who fell!"

Doudou bit her lip, then red eyes after half a ring, and said, "Is it, is it okay for me?"

Kaka breathed a sigh of relief, then looked at Lu Nanze, "Daddy, did you hear me? Not me ..."

Before he finished speaking, he clicked.

Because Lu Nanze was standing there, his entire face was black.

Kaka was so scared that she couldn't speak, and at the same time, her little heart was pumping, feeling a little sad.

What does Dad look like ... mean? Don't believe her?

Kaka almost cried.

How can dad not believe her?

While in a daze, I saw Lu Nanze looking at Doudou, "The gift I gave you, even if it was clicked, it just ruined what was sent out."

Having said that, he turned to look behind him again, "Butler."

"Yes, sir."

"Go buy Doudou five identical ones and come back to pay for it."

"Yes, sir."

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