You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 802: He follows the shadow (26)

Mei Feng snorted.

Shen Xiu's hands were already dishonest, and she touched them from under her hem, "Fenger, come on ... he's such a big man, he must understand everything, his wife, and children too, everyone is Adults, what's shy? "

"Well, you lightly, don't you mean back pain?"

"Just a little hurt, it's fine, if you don't believe it, try ..."

"Old and bad ... Ah ..."


When Liangliangchuan woke up in the middle of the night, the whole room was quiet.

He reached out and touched his phone subconsciously, but with a slight movement, he found himself lying on a soft leg.

He froze for a moment, and then thought of the situation before falling asleep.

He immediately raised his head, and with the faint light in the room, he could see the situation clearly.

Qiao Lian should have been massaging him, but in the end, he couldn't stand it, so he lay beside him and fell asleep.

But she didn't dare to move her leg. It must be numb at this moment.

Shen Liangchuan's eyes sank, and he picked up the phone and found that it was five o'clock in the morning.

In other words, he slept for five hours.

But the body seemed to finally be back to life, and the head was not so painful.

He stood up quietly, was about to clean himself, and went out, but suddenly heard the movement on the bed, followed by a woman stare: "Ah, I'm asleep! Do you still have a headache?"

Shen Liangchuan heard this and turned back.

A warm heart.

He walked over to the bed, grabbed Qiao Lian's waist, let her lie comfortably on the bed, and kissed her on the forehead: "It's five o'clock, you take a good rest, I'll go out for a run."

Qiao Lian muttered, and leaned to his side, and fell asleep.

Shen Liangchuan's hand touched her cheek gently, then turned and left the master bedroom.

It's still early.

He changed into sportswear and went out to run around the garden a few times.

Breathing the haze of Beijing's early morning, he felt like he had been evil a few days ago.

Since choosing to stay with Xiao Qiao, then he must strengthen this belief.

Knowing that this is very unfair to Mo Wuxin, but he has already made a choice, hasn't he?

He took a deep breath, and the cold air entered the lungs, making him feel awake.

When he got back from running, he went upstairs, picked up his mobile phone, and entered the study. He called Song Cheng: "Give me a family doctor."

Song Cheng was stunned immediately. "Brother Shen, what's wrong with you? Is it uncomfortable?"


"Then as soon as possible! Where do I meet?"

"You there."


"I am going now."

Shen Liangchuan hung up the phone, so he drove to Songcheng's apartment on the pretext of being busy.

Wearing sunglasses and a mask, he avoided paparazzi and passersby all the way, and came to Song Cheng's door.

After ringing the doorbell, the door was immediately opened.

Immediately, Song Cheng stood at the door, his face tangled and hesitated. He looked at Shen Liangchuan with tears in his eyes, "Shen Brother, come in!"

Shen Liangchuan ignored his emotions and walked in.

Song Cheng sighed, "Brother Shen, do you want to hide Sister Qiao and his wife?"

Shen Liangchuan nodded.

Song Cheng frowned, "But it's not a matter of hiding, why not tell them and face them together?"

Shen Liangchuan listened to this, a little strange, looked up in doubt.

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