You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 805: He follows the shadow (29)

At the moment, Shen Zihao was spending time with Xia Nuannun, Xia's father and Xia's mother, having lunch in the hotel.

After they have eaten, they are going to try on the wedding dress.

Because the wedding was in a hurry, it was too late to make a custom wedding dress, so I looked for the classic style and made changes.

Xia Nuan Nuan is not picky about these. Moreover, she is beautiful and she is not picky about clothes.

While eating, Shen Zihao received the phone call and Shen Xiu called.

As soon as I answered, I heard Shen Xiu's voice, "Look on the Internet! Your mother is too much this time! How can she humiliate Mei Feng so much! After all, Mei Feng is your stepmother! She has an opinion, let her charge me Come! Is it so humiliating, isn't it interesting? Isn't it just smashing something in their house? Is this necessary? "

Shen Zihao now has a headache when he hears things at home.

He frowned. "What's wrong?"

"Just go and see the video! You will upload this video to the Internet, and tell everyone, will Shen Xiu bow their heads? It is simply too much!"

After this remark, Shen Xiu hung up the phone directly.

Shen Zihao was unknown. So he turned on the phone and saw the video after he went on Weibo.

In the video, a woman knelt down, and even if she only took a profile, she could see that it was Mei Feng.

As soon as Shen Zihao's eyes narrowed, he heard Mei Feng talking, "I know you don't like me, and you have a breath in your heart these years. Now I kneel for you and let you out of this tone, don't take it easy Hao, okay? Zihao actually has your mother in his heart! "

Shen Zihao stood up, his eyes suddenly turned red.

It was too much for Mei Feng to receive such humiliation!

His chest was up and down, his face turned dark, and he nodded to Xia's father Xia and Xia, and said, "There is something at home. I'll go back first."

Then stood up and went out.

Xia Nuan Nuan saw him and hurried out, followed closely behind him, "What's wrong?"

Shen Zihao's eyes were red. "One is a mother, and the other is a stepmother. How can it be completely different? If it is not the wrong age, I suspect that Mei Feng is my mother!"

After hearing this, Xia Nuannu closed her mouth and did not dare to speak.

But in my heart, I was worried.

She said nothing, watching Shen Zihao opened the door of the driver's seat, and hurried to the front passenger seat to sit down.

Shen Zihao glanced at her.

Xia Nuannu said, "I'll stay with you."

I am with you ...

In a word, Shen Zihao's heart was warmed.

Xia Nuannuan always has this charm, and the moisturizer is silent. When he speaks, he never feels offensive.

He even made him feel that this woman was always with him no matter what he experienced.

She looked at the cowardly, but she had great wisdom, and what she said always made sense.

Shen Zihao's heart calmed down unconsciously.

Xia Nuannun said, "What did Aunt Mei go to the Shen family?"

Shen Zihao sighed, "For my dad's sake."

Xia Nuanuan's eyes flickered a bit, "Oh", and he sighed, "Doesn't Mom feel unclear about Dad and Aunt Mei when she left Shen's house?"

Shen Zihao snorted immediately, "She made an excuse!"

Xia Nuannuan froze, "But, wasn't Aunt Mei with Dad?"

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