You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 812: Who recorded the video? (6)

When she heard the word "courier", Shen Liangchuan's pupils shrank.

He looked at the delivery man, his eyes fell on his job tag, and it looked like he was a regular employee.

While he was thinking, Qiao Lian helped Xia Yehua and came out.

On the other side, Shen Zihao already helped Mei Feng to get on the car, and was about to go to the other side and enter the driver's seat. Xia Yehua suddenly said, "Zihao."

Shen Zihao stepped forward.

He didn't look back and didn't know how to face Xia Yehua.

If Xia Yehua talks about Mei Feng's bad words, will he listen or refute?

As he was thinking, he heard Xia Yehua say: "We have already withdrawn the lawsuit."

A word fell and Shen Zihao stiffened.

He looked back in disbelief, looked at Xia Yehua, and saw that Xia Yehua fixedly looked at him. "The complaint was filed early this morning."

The sentence she did not say was that she had withdrawn her complaint before Mei Feng came.

Therefore, she never thought about designing Mei Feng!

Shen Zihao's eyes narrowed and he turned to look at Mei Feng in the car.

Her face was pale and pale, and the whole person shivered and looked extremely poor.

Shen Zihao's eyes lightened and he squeezed his lips.

He didn't know what to say, and ended up saying, "Mom, thank you."

Xia Yehua shook her head, and then spoke after half a ring: "I hope that you can be a man of integrity, discernment of right and wrong, and responsibility."

Having said this, she couldn't hide her disappointment, and followed Qiao Lian back to the villa.

Shen Zihao stood in place, only feeling the back of his mother, desolate makes people want to cry.

He clenched his fists tightly, not knowing why, his heart seemed to be tightly gripped by an invisible big hand, a bit of breathless pain.

He took a deep breath before turning back and getting in the car.

Along the way, Shen Xiu was scolding.

"That **** is simply unreasonable!"

"More and more deliberate! Such things can be done! How can your aunt Mei go out to meet people in the future?"


Su Su's voice made Shen Zihao's temper suddenly come up, he shouted directly, "Dad, can you say a few more words?"

After a short while, Shen Xiu said, "What? I said it! She didn't dare to say it yet? I tell you! I'm going to say it today! You will stay away from them in the future and you will never be allowed to go again. His family! You are not allowed to send her invitations when you get married! They are not allowed to come! I am not welcome to their family! They never take your marriage seriously! On the eve of the wedding, there are so many things to do Come……"

From the rearview mirror, Shen Zihao could see Shen Xiuqi's blushing face and neck flushed.

I used to think that my dad was very majestic and terrible when he was angry, but today Shen Zihao feels that he has no such responsibility.

He suddenly said, "Dad, if you didn't run to their house and smash their house, they would not want to sue you, right?"

In a word, directly blocking Shen Xiu is speechless!

He was furious and wanted to say something, but Mei Feng had already said, "Zihao, your dad did something wrong, and he was also furious! Hey, I ’ll tell your dad that you are such a son, Of course, I hope that your wedding can be perfect. You can rest assured that you don't need to worry about your wedding, we will prepare the best for you ... "

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