You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 818: who's that person? (4)

Song Yuanxi took over and wiped his tears.

But he suddenly realized who gave the paper towel to her, and was shocked.

She turned around, saw the person in front of her, and hurriedly said, "I ..."

"How are you? My dear, girlfriend? Or, I pick it up, bed, company?"

The slightly mellow voice of a man, like the C major of a cello, has a deceptive charm.

Song Yuanxi's face turned red instantly, she clenched her fists tightly, and a shameful expression appeared on her face.


Shen Liangchuan stood outside the cafe, and through the glass window, he could see the man and interact with Song Yuanxi.

The two of them have an unusual relationship.

And if Song Yuanxi has been with this man for the past few days, then the person who sent himself a courier to take out Houttuynia cordata is not her.

He knew Song Yuanxi.

The conversation between the two people just now shows that Song Yuanxi really let go of her hatred for them.

She started her new life.

fair enough.

Shen Liangchuan turned around and got into the car.

Driving a car, walking around the streets of Beijing, in his mind, he was thinking, who in the end can know so many things he and Mo have no intention, but always remind him to avenge?

It wasn't Song Yuanxi, and the feeling that man gave him seemed to be familiar with everything between him and Mo Wuxin.

Thinking of this, Shen Liangchuan suddenly dropped his eyes.

He thought about the figure that gave him take-away food at that time. At that time, he was wearing a peaked cap and lowered his head so that he could not see his appearance clearly, but now thinking about it, his back ... Somewhat similar!

Could it be that……

He thought of it, hurriedly picked up his mobile phone, and called Song Cheng: "Help me check, Zhou Song's death record of that year, I want to detail it, don't let it go!"

"Mo Wuxin", Zhou Song's screen name.

Zhou Song is the brother of Song Yuanxi.

Two people have one mother and one father.

So at that time, Qiao Lian did not associate Zhou Song with Song Yuanxi immediately when he saw the tombstone.

If Zhou Song didn't die ... then everything will be relaxed?

The big rock he pressed down to his heart would not be so heavy.

Thinking of this, Shen Liangchuan took a deep breath.

Hope, hope things are really what he wants ...

Song Cheng reverently said: "Okay, Mr. Shen, Zhou Song died eight years ago. It may be troublesome to investigate and it will take some time."



time flies.

In the blink of an eye it was the first fourteenth of the first month. Tomorrow is the day when Xia Nuannuan and Shen Zihao get married, but in recent days, Qiao Lian noticed that Xia Yehua was absent-minded.

When she ate, she had no appetite. After eating only two meals, she made excuses and went upstairs.

Qiao Lian was puzzled and looked at Shen Liangchuan. "Zihao is going to get married. Why is mother looking depressed?"

Shen Liangchuan also frowned, unknown.

Just then, Li Min came out of the kitchen and sighed deeply: "Tomorrow is Master Zihao's wedding, but until now, there is no one in Shen's family, and he sent an invitation to his wife."

In a word, Qiao Lian suddenly realized.

Xia Yehua and Shen Liangchuan moved away from the Shen family and had no relationship with the Shen family.

Without invitations, they would not be able to enter the auditorium at all.

Could it be said that Xia Yehua couldn't attend Shen Zihao's wedding?

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