You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 838: Hainan trip (2)

"It turns out, really not!"

"I read it wrong!"

Shen Zihao sighed, "So, can you let it go?"

Everyone stepped back and made way for them.

Looking at Shen Zihao and Shen Liangchuan so easily out of the crowd, Qiao Lian both felt a little incredible.

When they got into the nanny's car, everyone felt that things were happening too fast and they were a little overwhelmed.

Shen Zihao snorted coldly, "You're fine with what kind of actors, look, it's so troublesome to go out!"

Although the words were not good, Shen Liangchuan thought that he had just defended himself.

In the end there was still a warm current.

He glanced at Shen Zihao, then looked forward again, without responding to this sentence.

The three women, you look at me, I look at you, and all of them stunned and laughed.

Shen Zihao and Xia Nuannu went back to the door, and of course they would live in Xia Nuannu's home.

Joe loves three people and booked the hotel before coming.

Xia Nuannun said: "Mom, you and your brother have come here once. My parents said that they must be invited to dinner. You must go."

Xia Yehua nodded, "Okay, you go back to the door today. Anyway, we are going to live in Hainan for a few days. I'll visit the door again the next day."

Xia Nuannu nodded.

Several people drove first, and sent Xia Nuannuan and Shen Zihao to Xia's house, and then drove to the hotel.

A custom hotel, a six star hotel suite.

All equipment is readily available.

Three people lived in a two-bedroom and one-living room, and the room was very comfortable.

As soon as Qiao Lian entered the door, he fell directly on the bed, and hooked his fingers at Shen Liangchuan.

Shen Liangchuan walked over and sat down.

It was dark at this moment. They called the hotel for dinner. After eating with Xia Yehua, they went back to their respective rooms and began to rest.

The air is good, the environment is good, and I have changed to a strange place.

Qiao Lian massaged Shen Liangchuan. After five minutes, he didn't rely on the drug and fell asleep.

Qiao Lian was overjoyed to see him asleep!

Going out this time is really a right choice!


Some people are asleep, but others are insomnia.

Xia Nuannu was lying on the bed in his room, looking at everything familiar, excited and excited.

Obviously spent three days at Shen's house, but she felt as long as three years later.

Back at home, I can finally breathe a long breath.

She turned back and forth on the bed and couldn't sleep anymore, so she stood up and left the room.

As soon as I went out, I saw my mother sitting on the sofa in the living room, dazed.

Xia Nuannuan froze, "Mom?"

Mother Xia stood up, "Why haven't you slept?"

Xia Nuanuan bowed his head, "I can't sleep."

Mother Xia held out her hand. "Then our mother and daughter come to chat."


"Wan Nuan, how is your life at Shen's?"

After hearing this, Xia Nuannuo said a moment before he said, "Very good."

Mother Xia continued to nod, and immediately smiled and said, "We are warm, we are really grown up, married, and now we are going to be mothers. Pay more attention to your body in the future, you know?"

Xia Nuannon nodded, "Why don't you sleep?"

Mother Xia's eyes flickered, and then she said, "I can't sleep."

Xia Nuannuo froze, "Why?"

In the darkness, Mother Xia smiled reluctantly, "I can't bear you."

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