You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 844: Trip to Hainan (8)

The other party quickly responded:

[Warm my heart: What bet? 】

Shen Zihao stood at home and responded to the other party:

[Shen Zihao: I lost this game. I invite you to dinner. 】

[Warm my heart: Yes. 】

[Shen Zihao: I won, you change the name. 】

Qiao Lian: ...

Qiao Lian drew his lips, glanced at the unknown Xia Nuannu, and suddenly found Shen Zihao so cute!

Is he jealous?

The men of the Shen family, so one and two are so careful!

Just thought of this, I saw the other party reply:

[Warm my heart: I'm afraid that the name Nuan Nuan will accompany me all my life! 】

Shen Zihao sneered.

[Shen Zihao: You promised? 】

[Warm my heart: No problem! let's start! 】

The cousin was dumbfounded by the side, "Brother, are you spitting! The other party is a master, and we have a disadvantage at the beginning. How can we not win this game! You, you, you ..."

Shen Zihao: "Who says we won't win?"

As soon as this word came out, Qiao Lian's eyes widened.

Could it be ... Shen Zihao inherited his brother's talent and is a talented player playing games?

What unexpected ways had he thought of?

If that's the case, either ... she will find a way to absorb Shen Zihao to the CQ team?

Thinking about it, I saw Shen Zihao throwing the phone into her hand, "Sister, please."

Qiao Lian: ...! !!

Qiao Lian is dumbfounded, okay?

She drew a corner of her mouth, looked at Shen Zihao, suddenly gave a narrow smile, and put the mobile phone in his hand, "I can't! I have trouble with my hand recently, you find your brother!"

Shen Zihao: ...

Looking for Qiao Lian, he was open, but looking for Shen Liangchuan ...

Shen Zihao sat awkwardly, unable to speak for a while.

Being tangled, she saw that Shen Liangchuan suddenly stood up and walked over, then stretched out her long fingers, and smashed the phone directly.

Then, he raised Erlang's legs and sat on the sofa with his hands on his mobile phone.

The relaxed look made Shen Zihao nervous, and whispered to Qiao Lian: "Can he do it?"

Qiao Lian is forgetful.

Wang Chuan is a master.

But Shen Liangchuan ...

Shen Zihao was not assured.

Joe fell in love with him and sighed. "I don't know."

Shen Zihao coughed. "It's about the dignity of my man."

Qiao Lian: "So, let's go and see."

Shen Zihao and Shen Liangchuan have never dealt with each other. When two people walk together, they must be far away.

But listening to Qiao Lian, Shen Zihao glanced at Xia Nuannu again, still unsure.

He coughed, stood up, pretended to drink water, picked up the water glass, and detoured behind the Liangliangchuan sofa, then stretched his neck and stared at Liangliangchuan.

Shen Liangchuan still took orders.

My cousin said, "Brother, don't go alone, wait for me to cover you! They must be ambushing you on the road ..."

Before I finished speaking, I saw that Shen Liangchuan had come to the top.

Shen Zihao couldn't help but nervously reminded, "They are in the grass."

Shen Liangchuan raised his head with a finger, looked at Shen Zihao, and spit out three words: "I know."

Shen Zihao: ...

Shen Zihao hurriedly straightened his body and looked away, pretending not to look at him.

That awkward look is so cute!

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