You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 846: Trip to Hainan (10)

There is no doubt that this game must be won.

Ordinary players, when encountering top players like Shen Liangchuan, the rest have become furnishings.

When finally, looking at the two big characters of victory on the screen, Shen Zihao felt that there was an inexplicable blood in his body, boiling.

He looked at Shen Liangchuan's eyes with light.

It was like when he was young, he went to school with his elder brother, who is always his pride.

He still remembers that in school, whenever the teacher mentioned outstanding graduates, that person must be the elder brother.

He is proud because he is the brother of his brother, and the classmates around him are also envious of him because he has such an brother.

Their home ...

He and his brother, as well as his mother, were once so happy.

Actually, it was not as he imagined.

Mom and brother did not really abandon him.

It's like just now.

The elder brother did not intend to enter the palace, but because of his sentence "kill him", he rushed into several people. If there is a slight error in the end, or if the opponent's player is a little more difficult, he can't escape Already.

In fact, my brother is just as spoiled as he was when he was a kid.

He rarely refused his request.

Thinking of this, Shen Zihao was silent for a moment, and then closed his eyes after half a ring.

On the other side, my cousin has left the mobile phone, "Ha ha ha ha! My classmate gave it up! That warmed my heart and changed my name! Brother Liangliang, you are so amazing! I did not expect you to be a big star , So good at playing games! "

Shen Liangchuan but smiled.

That look ... it's like a worldly master.


Shen Zihao thought of this, and snorted coldly.

My brother was still ugly when he was young, and he was not disappointed to see honor or disgrace. In fact, he was very glad to be praised.

Didn't you see the corners of his lips raised?

But he didn't notice that the corners of his own lips also hooked.

Looking at Shen Liangchuan's eyes, those gaps have been eliminated.

It's like the distance created in these eight years, finally pulled in a bit.


After dinner, I stayed here for a while and chatted. In the evening, I was enthusiastically left for dinner.

When Shen Liangchuan and Qiao Lian left, it was already 10 o'clock in the evening!

But over Hainan, nightlife is rich.

So at this point, there was a lot of voice outside.

Qiao Lian looked at Shen Zihao and Xia Nuannuan who sent them out, and glanced at Xia Yehua, and immediately said: "Zihao, Nuannun, tomorrow the three of us plan to go to the beach to play. Come together!"

If it was before, Shen Zihao would definitely sneer and show a disdainful expression.

You might even feel that these three people have abandoned him.

But now, before he speaks, Xia Nuannui has already said, "Okay, as the host, I must take you to have fun!"

Xia Nuannuan glanced at Shen Zihao, "No problem?"

Shen Zihao looked at the people in front of him and immediately said, "You promised me, what else can I say?"

Although the tone is not good, the proud look still makes people feel funny.


Played all day at Xia's. They drove back to the hotel.

On the way, Xia Yehua said: "Warm and warm parents really understand the matter, no wonder they can bring such a good child like Nuan, Zihao, this child is blessed!"

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