You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 852: Trip to Hainan (16)

Mei Feng first looked at Shen Zihao with a smile, and then saw the people behind Shen Zihao. After seeing Xia Yehua, the whole face froze suddenly.

She frowned, how could Xia Yehua be here?

And look at them ... It seems that Xia Yehua went to Hainan with Shen Zihao?

Seeing that she greeted Shen Zihao, Shen Zihao looked back and talked to Xia Yehua, and a sudden sense of crisis rose in her heart.

Xia Yehua will not take Shen Zihao away!

The thought made her fist clenched.

Then, I saw Shen Zihao striding over.

Qiao Lian followed behind Shen Liangchuan and came over together. Heared that Mei Feng was asking Shen Zihao: "How is it in Hainan? I think how I got tanned and thin ... Are n’t you used to eating? Let's go home quickly Your dad is waiting for us at home! The family has prepared a lot of delicious food for you. "

Shen Zihao nodded when he heard this.

Mei Feng turned around, and when Shen Zihao's belt left, she suddenly heard Shen Zihao say, "Yes, Aunt Mei, how many cars are there in our house?"

Mei Feng laughed. "Of course it is a car."

Shen Zihao nodded. "Let's take a detour and send my mother back first."

My mom ... they ...

This shouted kindly, there is no longer any gap!

Mei Feng's fist tightened, and then she looked at Xia Yehua. If she wanted to say anything, she caught the eye of Shen Zihao and smiled, "Yes!"

Xia Yehua waved his hand, "No need to bother, you go first ..."

Before the words were over, Xia Nuannun said, "Mom, we are a family. What trouble is not troublesome? Brother's identity is special. Stay here. If it is recognized, it will be a turbulence. Come with us. "

Family ... Brother ...

Xia Yehua laughed. "That's fine, then I'm welcome!"

Mei Feng is going to be speechless by this popular group!

Because the car that came to pick up Shen Zihao was a large business seven-seater car, the five of them, plus the driver and Mei Feng, just sat down.

But after getting in the car, Mei Feng sat in the co-pilot seat and turned to talk to Shen Zihao.

However, she saw that Shen Zihao and Xia Nuannuan were engaged in chatting with Xia Yehua.

And they chatted ... she couldn't get in!

Along the way, Mei Feng had only one feeling!

It seems that they are a family and she is an outsider!

How can this be!

If Shen Zihao reconciled with Xia Yehua, wouldn't he be wasted in the past eight years?

Thinking of this, there was a gleam in her eyes.

When did all this start to change?

Her eyes fell on Xia Nuannu through the rearview mirror.

It started with her.

Summer warm!

The car quickly reached Shen's Villa.

When getting out of the car, Xia Yehua said to Shen Zihao: "Zihao, didn't you say you want to eat the braised pork made by Li Zhi? See if you have time to eat, I will let her make it for you."

Li Li, who came out to greet a few people, heard the words, and suddenly said: "Oh, it's a coincidence. Now stew is braised in the pot! I must know that Master Zihao is coming!"

Shen Zihao's eyes lit up, "then eat and go back!"

Xia Nuannu also nodded, "I have lived here for a month, and now I miss the most here is the braised pork!"

Mei Feng heard this and hurriedly said, "Zihao, your dad is waiting for you to eat at home."

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