You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 856: The truth eight years ago! (4)

It turned out that he never improved.

Those who can fall asleep are all illusions he made!

These thoughts made Qiao Lian feel her heart as if being held tight by an invisible big hand, making her breathless.

Taking a deep breath, she heard the doctor continue to say, "We studied his case and found out that he actually has been seeing a psychologist all the time. I don't know why the patient is?"

Xia Yehua heard this and was stunned. "What psychiatrist? My son has always been very healthy. Why would he go to see a psychiatrist?"

Shen Zihao stared at them in wonder, "Yes, when my brother was in Hainan, he was alive and well, how could he need to see a psychiatrist!"

The two men finished this sentence, and then all their eyes fell on Qiao Lian!

Qiao Lian said slowly, "He's been having insomnia."

The doctor was relieved immediately, "That's right. The patient has been suffering from insomnia for a long time and cannot fall asleep, resulting in mental palpitations. He now faints and is sleeping. If he continues to do so, his physical fitness will decline. Insomnia is a disease, must Find the cause! "

Qiao Lian nodded when he heard this.


In the ward.

Shen Liangchuan was still lying on the bed, her eyes closed, and her eyebrows tightened tightly, as if she was not stable even in her sleep.

Qiao Lian sat beside the bed, staring at him without blinking.

Then she realized that he was thin.

The cheeks are more defined, and the arms exposed are obviously thinner.

She thought that when he was awake, he looked very normal, not at all like an insomniac.

Neither mentally nor physically could see that he was ill.

How long has he been doing this, and why is he so strong?

Can't sleep, you can tell her that she will give him sleeping pills ...

He didn't say or eat ... Is it because she cried last time that made him afraid that she was worried about him?

Qiao Lian thought of it, and her eyes were wet again.

She bit her lips tightly and buried her head in her palms.

Shen Liangchuan, what happened to you?


Qiao Lian hasn't slept and kept silent beside Shen Liangchuan.

Until five o'clock the next day, Shen Liangchuan woke up.

Seeing him open his eyes blankly, Qiao Lian quickly held his hand and called him: "Shen Liangchuan!"

Shen Liangchuan now seems to have found the focal length.

He frowned, and immediately said, "Where am I?"

"At the hospital," Qiao Lian explained. "When you took a shower, you fainted. How are you feeling now?"

Passed out?

Shen Liangchuan frowned, but in the next second, he reached out his hand and squeezed Qiao Lian's hand tightly. "Xiao Qiao, I'm fine. I'm ... sleepy."

I am, sleepy.

In a simple sentence, Joe's love is as keen as a knife.

Shen Liangchuan lay on the bed for two minutes, then sat up.

He looked wisely and steadfastly, looking at Qiao Lian, not at all like a patient's look.

He is strong and never yells hard.

These days, even if he can't sleep, his face is still so powerful that people can't notice his abnormality ...

This is Shenliang River.

At this moment, Shen Liangchuan had stood up: "I'm fine, Xiao Qiao, I finally have enough sleep, we will go home."

Qiao Lian looked at him and nodded. "Okay."

On the same day, they completed the discharge procedure.

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